351.03 Railroad-highway grade-crossing warning signs and signals; audible warnings; exercise of reasonable care; blocking highways, roads, and streets during darkness.— (1) Every railroad company shall exercise reasonable care for the safety of motorists whenever its track crosses a highway and shall be responsible for erecting and maintaining crossbuck grade-crossing warning signs in accordance with the uniform system […]
351.034 Railroad-highway grade crossings to be cleared for emergency vehicles.—Except for trains or equipment stopped due to mechanical failure where separation or movement is not possible, any train or equipment that has come to a complete stop and is blocking a railroad-highway grade crossing must be cut, separated, or moved to clear the crossing upon the […]
351.35 Railroad tracks and related equipment; safety rules; penalties.— (1) The Department of Transportation shall adopt rules requiring companies operating railroads wholly or in part in the state to maintain tracks and all supportive, related equipment, including locomotives and other rolling stock, of such railroad companies within the state in a safe condition. (2) If any company operating […]
351.36 Railroad safety inspections and inspectors.— (1) The Department of Transportation shall employ competent safety inspectors to inspect the physical conditions of the tracks and all supportive, related equipment, including locomotives and other rolling stock, of any railroad operated wholly or in part in the state. Safety inspectors shall attain Federal Railroad Administration employment qualifications necessary to […]
351.37 Railroad safety.—The state shall supplement and not replace the responsibility of the Federal Government in the inspection of physical conditions of railroad facilities within the state to ascertain compliance with federal standards and regulations. Because this is a supplementary program, the state shall not be deemed to be liable for any actions or omissions in […]