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Home » US Law » 2022 Florida Statutes » Title XXX - Social Welfare » Chapter 430 - Elder Affairs

430.01 – Short Title.

430.01 Short title.—This chapter may be cited as the “Department of Elderly Affairs Act,” or the “Pepper Act” as a memorial to Congressman Claude Denson Pepper. The department is also known as the Department of Elder Affairs. History.—s. 5, ch. 91-115; s. 77, ch. 95-418.

430.02 – Legislative Intent.

430.02 Legislative intent.—It is the intent of the Legislature to: (1) Advise, assist, and protect the state’s elderly citizens to the fullest extent. (2) Ensure that programs and services are developed and implemented to be accessible to all elderly citizens to assist them in the achievement or maintenance of maximum independence and quality of life and minimum levels […]

430.03 – Purposes.

430.03 Purposes.—The purposes of the Department of Elderly Affairs are to: (1) Serve as the primary state agency responsible for administering human services programs for the elderly and for developing policy recommendations for long-term care. (2) Combat ageism and create public awareness and understanding of the potentials and needs of elderly persons. (3) Study and plan for programs and […]

430.04 – Duties and Responsibilities of the Department of Elderly Affairs.

430.04 Duties and responsibilities of the Department of Elderly Affairs.—The Department of Elderly Affairs shall: (1) Administer human services and long-term care programs, including programs funded under the federal Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, and other programs that are assigned to it by law. (2) Be responsible for ensuring that each area agency on aging operates […]

430.0401 – Annual Report Summarizing Monitoring Activities.

430.0401 Annual report summarizing monitoring activities.—By January 1 of each year, the Department of Elderly Affairs shall submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a summary of the results of the department’s monitoring of the activities of area agencies on aging. The report must include information […]

430.0402 – Screening of Direct Service Providers.

430.0402 Screening of direct service providers.— (1)(a) Except as provided in subsection (2), level 2 background screening pursuant to chapter 435 is required for direct service providers. Background screening includes employment history checks as provided in s. 435.03(1) and local criminal records checks through local law enforcement agencies. (b) For purposes of this section, the term “direct service […]

430.07 – Office of Volunteer Community Service.

430.07 Office of Volunteer Community Service.—There is created within the Department of Elderly Affairs the Office of Volunteer Community Service. The office shall: (1) Compile an inventory of services needed by elderly persons. (2) Compile an inventory of services being provided to elderly persons to meet those needs. (3) Determine which services needed by elderly persons are not being […]

430.071 – Respite for Elders Living in Everyday Families.

430.071 Respite for elders living in everyday families.— (1) As used in this section, the term: (a) “Family unit” means one or more individuals whose primary residence is with a homebound elderly individual specifically for the purpose of providing care for that homebound elderly individual. The family does not necessarily need to be related by blood or marriage […]

430.08 – Rulemaking.

430.08 Rulemaking.—The department shall adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this chapter. History.—s. 5, ch. 91-115; s. 114, ch. 98-200.

430.101 – Administration of Federal Aging Programs.

430.101 Administration of federal aging programs.—The Department of Elderly Affairs is designated the state unit on aging under the federal Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, and shall exercise all responsibilities under that act. The department is the state agency designated to handle all programs of the Federal Government relating to the aging, by virtue […]

430.105 – Confidentiality of Information.

430.105 Confidentiality of information.—Personal identifying information in a record held by the department that relates to an individual’s health or eligibility for or receipt of health-related, elder care, or long-term care services is confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. Such information may be disclosed: (1) To another governmental […]

430.201 – Short Title.

430.201 Short title.—Sections 430.201-430.207 may be cited as the “Community Care for the Elderly Act.” History.—s. 1, ch. 73-343; s. 1, ch. 76-51; s. 18, ch. 78-433; s. 104, ch. 79-164; s. 1, ch. 80-181; s. 29, ch. 95-418. Note.—Former s. 409.3621; s. 410.021.

430.202 – Community Care for the Elderly; Legislative Intent.

430.202 Community care for the elderly; legislative intent.—The purpose of ss. 430.201-430.207 is to assist functionally impaired elderly persons in living dignified and reasonably independent lives in their own homes or in the homes of relatives or caregivers through the development, expansion, reorganization, and coordination of various community-based services. The Legislature intends that a continuum of […]

430.203 – Community Care for the Elderly; Definitions.

430.203 Community care for the elderly; definitions.—As used in ss. 430.201-430.207, the term: (1) “Area agency on aging” means a public or nonprofit private agency or office designated by the department to coordinate and administer the department’s programs and to provide, through contracting agencies, services within a planning and service area. An area agency on aging serves […]

430.204 – Community-Care-for-the-Elderly Core Services; Departmental Powers and Duties.

430.204 Community-care-for-the-elderly core services; departmental powers and duties.— (1)(a) The department shall fund, through each area agency on aging, at least one community care service system the primary purpose of which is the prevention of unnecessary institutionalization of functionally impaired elderly persons through the provision of community-based core services. Whenever feasible, an area agency on aging shall […]

430.205 – Community Care Service System.

430.205 Community care service system.— (1)(a) The department, through the area agency on aging, shall fund in each planning and service area at least one community care service system that provides case management and other in-home and community services as needed to help the older person maintain independence and prevent or delay more costly institutional care. (b) The […]

430.2053 – Aging Resource Centers.

430.2053 Aging resource centers.— (1) The department, in consultation with the Agency for Health Care Administration and the Department of Children and Families, shall develop pilot projects for aging resource centers. (2) The purposes of an aging resource center shall be: (a) To provide Florida’s elders and their families with a locally focused, coordinated approach to integrating information and […]

430.207 – Confidentiality of Information.

430.207 Confidentiality of information.—Information about functionally impaired elderly persons who receive services under ss. 430.201-430.2053 and 430.902 which is received through files, reports, inspections, or otherwise, by the department or by authorized departmental employees, by persons who volunteer services, or by persons who provide services to functionally impaired elderly persons under ss. 430.201-430.2053 and 430.902 through […]

430.501 – Alzheimer’s Disease Advisory Committee; Research Grants.

430.501 Alzheimer’s Disease Advisory Committee; research grants.— (1) It is the finding of the Legislature that Alzheimer’s disease and similar major memory disorders affect an alarmingly high percentage of citizens, primarily those over 65 years of age, and yet little is known of the cause, prevention, or treatment of this disease. (2) There is created an Alzheimer’s Disease […]

430.5015 – Dementia Director.

430.5015 Dementia Director.— (1) The position of Dementia Director is created within the Department of Elderly Affairs. The Secretary of Elderly Affairs shall appoint the director who shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary. (2) The director may call upon appropriate agencies of state government for assistance as is needed pursuant to s. 430.04(13). (3) The director shall: […]