445.001 – Short Title.
445.001 Short title.—This chapter may be cited as the “Workforce Innovation Act of 2000.” History.—s. 1, ch. 2000-165.
445.001 Short title.—This chapter may be cited as the “Workforce Innovation Act of 2000.” History.—s. 1, ch. 2000-165.
445.002 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term: (1) “Department” means the Department of Economic Opportunity. (2) “For cause” includes, but is not limited to, engaging in fraud or other criminal acts, incapacity, unfitness, neglect of duty, official incompetence and irresponsibility, misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, gross mismanagement, waste, or lack of performance. (3) “Services and one-time payments” or “services,” when […]
445.003 Implementation of the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.— (1) WORKFORCE INNOVATION AND OPPORTUNITY ACT PRINCIPLES.—The state’s approach to implementing the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Pub. L. No. 113-128, should have six elements: (a) Streamlining services.—Florida’s employment and training programs must be coordinated and consolidated at locally managed one-stop delivery system centers. (b) Empowering individuals.—Eligible participants […]
445.004 CareerSource Florida, Inc., and the state board; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.— (1) CareerSource Florida, Inc., is created as a not-for-profit corporation, which shall be registered, incorporated, organized, and operated in compliance with chapter 617 and shall operate at the direction of the state board. CareerSource Florida, Inc., is not a unit or entity of […]
445.006 State plan for workforce development.— (1) STATE PLAN.—The state board, in conjunction with state and local partners in the workforce system, shall develop a state plan that produces an educated and skilled workforce. The state plan must consist of strategic and operational planning elements. The state plan shall be submitted by the Governor to the United […]
445.007 Local workforce development boards.— (1) One local workforce development board shall be appointed in each designated service delivery area and shall serve as the local workforce development board pursuant to Pub. L. No. 113-128. The membership of the local board must be consistent with Pub. L. No. 113-128, Title I, s. 107(b). If a public education […]
445.0071 Florida Youth Summer Jobs Pilot Program.— (1) CREATION.—Contingent upon appropriations, there is created the Florida Youth Summer Jobs Pilot Program within workforce development district 22 served by the Broward Workforce Development Board. The board shall, in consultation with the state board, provide a program offering at-risk and disadvantaged children summer jobs in partnership with local communities […]
445.008 Workforce Training Institute.— (1) The state board, through CareerSource Florida, Inc., may create the Workforce Training Institute, which shall be a comprehensive program of workforce training courses designed to meet the unique needs of, and shall include Internet-based training modules suitable for and made available to, professionals integral to the workforce system, including advisors and counselors […]
445.009 One-stop delivery system.— (1) The one-stop delivery system is the state’s primary customer-service strategy for offering every Floridian access, through service sites or telephone or computer networks, to the following services: (a) Job search, referral, and placement assistance. (b) Career counseling and educational planning. (c) Consumer reports on service providers. (d) Recruitment and eligibility determination. (e) Support services, including child care […]
445.010 Consumer-first workforce system technology; principles and information sharing.— (1) The following principles shall guide the development and management of workforce system resources: (a) Workforce system entities should be committed to information sharing. (b) Cooperative planning by workforce system entities is a prerequisite for the effective development of systems to enable the sharing of data. (c) Workforce system entities should […]
445.011 Consumer-first workforce system.— (1) The department, in consultation with the state board, the Department of Education, and the Department of Children and Families, shall implement, subject to legislative appropriation, an automated consumer-first workforce system that improves coordination among required one-stop partners and is necessary for the efficient and effective operation and management of the workforce development […]
445.014 Small business workforce service initiative.— (1) Subject to legislative appropriation, the state board shall establish a program to encourage local workforce development boards to establish one-stop delivery systems that maximize the provision of workforce and human-resource support services to small businesses. Under the program, a local workforce development board may apply, on a competitive basis, for […]
445.016 Untried Worker Placement and Employment Incentive Act.— (1) This section may be cited as the “Untried Worker Placement and Employment Incentive Act.” (2) For purposes of this section, the term “untried worker” means a person who is a hard-to-place participant in the welfare transition program because he or she has limitations associated with the long-term receipt of […]
445.017 Diversion.— (1) Many customers of the one-stop delivery system do not need ongoing temporary cash assistance, but, due to an unexpected circumstance or emergency situation, require some immediate assistance to secure or retain employment or child support. These immediate obligations may include a shelter or utility payment, a car repair to continue employment, or other services […]
445.018 Diversion program to strengthen Florida’s families.— (1) The diversion program to strengthen families in this state is intended to provide services that assist families in avoiding welfare dependency by gaining and retaining employment. (2) Before finding a family eligible for the diversion program created under this section, a determination must be made that: (a) The family includes a […]
445.019 Teen parent and pregnancy prevention diversion program; eligibility for services.—The Legislature recognizes that teen pregnancy is a major cause of dependency on government assistance that often extends through more than one generation. The purpose of the teen parent and pregnancy prevention diversion program is to provide services to reduce and avoid welfare dependency by reducing […]
445.020 Diversion programs; determination of need.—If federal regulations require a determination of needy families or needy parents to be based on financial criteria, such as income or resources, for individuals or families who are receiving services, one-time payments, or nonrecurring short-term benefits, the TANF state plan shall clearly indicate such criteria. If federal regulations do not […]
445.021 Relocation assistance program.— (1) The Legislature recognizes that the need for public assistance may arise because a family is located in an area with limited employment opportunities, because of geographic isolation, because of formidable transportation barriers, because of isolation from their extended family, or because domestic violence interferes with the ability of a parent to maintain […]
445.022 Retention Incentive Training Accounts.—To promote job retention and to enable upward job advancement into higher skilled, higher paying employment, the state board and the local workforce development boards may assemble a list of programs and courses offered by postsecondary educational institutions which may be available to participants who have become employed to promote job retention […]
445.023 Program for dependent care for families with children with special needs.— (1) There is created the program for dependent care for families with children with special needs. This program is intended to provide assistance to families with children who meet the following requirements: (a) The child or children are between the ages of 13 and 17 years, […]