456.001 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term: (1) “Board” means any board or commission, or other statutorily created entity to the extent such entity is authorized to exercise regulatory or rulemaking functions, within the department, except that, for ss. 456.003-456.018, 456.022, 456.023, 456.025-456.033, and 456.039-456.082, “board” means only a board, or other statutorily created entity to […]
456.002 Applicability.—This chapter applies only to the regulation by the department of professions. History.—s. 34, ch. 97-261; s. 37, ch. 2000-160. Note.—Former s. 455.504.
456.003 Legislative intent; requirements.— (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that persons desiring to engage in any lawful profession regulated by the department shall be entitled to do so as a matter of right if otherwise qualified. (2) The Legislature further believes that such professions shall be regulated only for the preservation of the health, safety, […]
456.004 Department; powers and duties.—The department, for the professions under its jurisdiction, shall: (1) Adopt rules establishing a procedure for the biennial renewal of licenses; however, the department may issue up to a 4-year license to selected licensees notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary. The rules shall specify the expiration dates of licenses and […]
456.005 Long-range policy planning.—To facilitate efficient and cost-effective regulation, the department and the board, if appropriate, shall develop and implement a long-range policy planning and monitoring process that includes recommendations specific to each profession. The process shall include estimates of revenues, expenditures, cash balances, and performance statistics for each profession. The period covered may not be […]
456.006 Contacting boards through department.—Each board under the jurisdiction of the department may be contacted through the headquarters of the department in the City of Tallahassee. History.—s. 41, ch. 97-261; s. 40, ch. 2000-160. Note.—Former s. 455.527.
456.007 Board members.—Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any person who otherwise meets the requirements of law for board membership and who is connected in any way with any medical college, dental college, or community college may be appointed to any board so long as that connection does not result in a relationship wherein […]
456.008 Accountability and liability of board members.— (1) Each board member shall be accountable to the Governor for the proper performance of duties as a member of the board. The Governor shall investigate any legally sufficient complaint or unfavorable written report received by the Governor or by the department or a board concerning the actions of the […]
456.009 Legal and investigative services.— (1) The department shall provide board counsel for boards within the department by contracting with the Department of Legal Affairs, by retaining private counsel pursuant to s. 287.059, or by providing department staff counsel. The primary responsibility of board counsel shall be to represent the interests of the citizens of the state. […]
456.011 Boards; organization; meetings; compensation and travel expenses.— (1) Each board within the department shall comply with the provisions of this chapter. (2) The board shall annually elect from among its number a chairperson and vice chairperson. (3) The board shall meet at least once annually and may meet as often as is necessary. Meetings shall be conducted through […]
456.012 Board rules; final agency action; challenges.— (1) The State Surgeon General shall have standing to challenge any rule or proposed rule of a board under its jurisdiction pursuant to s. 120.56. In addition to challenges for any invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority, the administrative law judge, upon such a challenge by the State Surgeon General, […]
456.013 Department; general licensing provisions.— (1)(a) Any person desiring to be licensed in a profession within the jurisdiction of the department must apply to the department in writing. The application must be made on a form prepared and furnished by the department. The application form must be available on the Internet, and the department may accept electronically […]
456.0135 General background screening provisions.— (1) An application for initial licensure received on or after January 1, 2013, under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, chapter 461, chapter 464, s. 465.022, part XIII of chapter 468, or chapter 480 shall include fingerprints pursuant to procedures established by the department through a vendor approved by the Department of […]
456.014 Public inspection of information required from applicants; exceptions; examination hearing.— (1) All information required by the department of any applicant shall be a public record and shall be open to public inspection pursuant to s. 119.07, except financial information, medical information, school transcripts, examination questions, answers, papers, grades, and grading keys, which are confidential and exempt […]
456.015 Limited licenses.— (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that, absent a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the public, the use of retired professionals in good standing to serve the indigent, underserved, or critical need populations of this state should be encouraged. To that end, the board, or the department when there […]
456.016 Use of professional testing services.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the department may use a professional testing service to prepare, administer, grade, and evaluate any computerized examination, when that service is available and approved by the board, or the department if there is no board. History.—s. 53, ch. 97-261; s. 48, ch. […]
456.017 Examinations.— (1)(a) The department shall provide, contract, or approve services for the development, preparation, administration, scoring, score reporting, and evaluation of all examinations, in consultation with the appropriate board. The department shall certify that examinations developed and approved by the department adequately and reliably measure an applicant’s ability to practice the profession regulated by the department. […]
456.018 Penalty for theft or reproduction of an examination.—In addition to, or in lieu of, any other discipline imposed pursuant to s. 456.072, the theft of an examination in whole or in part or the act of reproducing or copying any examination administered by the department, whether such examination is reproduced or copied in part or […]
456.019 Restriction on requirement of citizenship.—A person is not disqualified from practicing an occupation or profession regulated by the state solely because she or he is not a United States citizen. History.—s. 36, ch. 97-261; s. 20, ch. 99-7; s. 51, ch. 2000-160. Note.—Former s. 455.511.
456.021 Qualification of immigrants for examination to practice a licensed profession or occupation.— (1) It is the declared purpose of this section to encourage the use of foreign-speaking Florida residents duly qualified to become actively qualified in their professions so that all people of this state may receive better services. (2) Any person who has successfully completed, or […]