458.301 Purpose.—The Legislature recognizes that the practice of medicine is potentially dangerous to the public if conducted by unsafe and incompetent practitioners. The Legislature finds further that it is difficult for the public to make an informed choice when selecting a physician and that the consequences of a wrong decision could seriously harm the public health […]
458.303 Provisions not applicable to other practitioners; exceptions, etc.— (1) The provisions of ss. 458.301, 458.305, 458.307, 458.309, 458.311, 458.313, 458.315, 458.317, 458.319, 458.321, 458.327, 458.329, 458.331, 458.337, 458.339, 458.341, 458.343, 458.345, 458.347, and this section shall have no application to: (a) Other duly licensed health care practitioners acting within their scope of practice authorized by statute. (b) Any […]
458.305 Definitions.—As used in this chapter: (1) “Board” means the Board of Medicine. (2) “Department” means the Department of Health. (3) “Practice of medicine” means the diagnosis, treatment, operation, or prescription for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or other physical or mental condition. (4) “Physician” means a person who is licensed to practice medicine in this state. History.—ss. 1, […]
458.307 Board of Medicine.— (1) There is created within the department the Board of Medicine, composed of 15 members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. (2) Twelve members of the board must be licensed physicians in good standing in this state who are residents of the state and who have been engaged in the active […]
458.309 Rulemaking authority.— (1) The board has authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this chapter conferring duties upon it. (2)(a) Any rules which the board adopts relating to the classroom phase of medical education shall not apply to any person who is enrolled in the classroom phase of medical […]
458.310 Restricted licenses.— (1) It is the intent of the Legislature to provide medical services to all the residents of this state at an affordable cost. (2) The Board of Medicine may, by rule, develop criteria and, without examination, issue restricted licenses annually to up to 100 persons to practice medicine in this state who: (a) Meet the requirements […]
458.311 Licensure by examination; requirements; fees.— (1) Any person desiring to be licensed as a physician, who does not hold a valid license in any state, shall apply to the department on forms furnished by the department. The department shall license each applicant who the board certifies: (a) Has completed the application form and remitted a nonrefundable application […]
458.3115 Restricted license; certain foreign-licensed physicians; examination; restrictions on practice; full licensure.— (1)(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the department shall provide procedures under which certain physicians who are or were foreign-licensed and have practiced medicine no less than 2 years may take the USMLE or an examination developed by the department, in consultation with the […]
458.3124 Restricted license; certain experienced foreign-trained physicians.— (1) A person who was trained in a medical school that is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools published by the World Health Organization and is located in a country other than the United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico may apply to take Step III of the United […]
458.313 Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fees.— (1) The department shall issue a license by endorsement to any applicant who, upon applying to the department on forms furnished by the department and remitting a fee set by the board not to exceed $500, the board certifies: (a) Has met the qualifications for licensure in s. 458.311(1)(b)-(g) or in s. […]
458.3135 Temporary certificate for visiting physicians to practice in approved cancer centers.— (1) Any physician who has been accepted for a course of training by a cancer center approved by the board and who meets all of the qualifications set forth in this section may be issued a temporary certificate to practice in a board-approved cancer center […]
458.3137 Temporary certificate for visiting physicians to obtain medical privileges for instructional purposes in conjunction with certain plastic surgery or other medical or surgical training programs and educational symposiums.— (1) A physician who has been invited by: (a) A plastic surgery or other medical or surgical training program affiliated with a medical school in this state which is […]
458.314 Certification of foreign educational institutions.— (1) The Legislature recognizes the need to ensure that graduates of foreign medical schools who have received an education which is reasonably comparable to that of similar accredited institutions in the United States and which adequately prepares its students for the practice of medicine shall be subject to the same licensure […]
458.3145 Medical faculty certificate.— (1) A medical faculty certificate may be issued without examination to an individual who: (a) Is a graduate of an accredited medical school or its equivalent, or is a graduate of a foreign medical school listed with the World Health Organization; (b) Holds a valid, current license to practice medicine in another jurisdiction; (c) Has completed […]
458.3147 Medical school eligibility of military academy students or graduates.—Any Florida resident who is a student at or a graduate of any of the United States military academies who has command approval to apply to medical school prior to assignment to the medical corps of the United States military shall be admitted to any medical school […]
458.315 Temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need.— (1) A physician who is licensed to practice in any jurisdiction of the United States, whose license is currently valid, and who pays an application fee of $300 may be issued a temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need. (2) A certificate may be issued to […]
458.3151 Temporary certificate for active duty military and veterans practicing in areas of critical need.— (1) A certificate issued pursuant to this section may be cited as the “Rear Admiral LeRoy Collins, Jr., Temporary Certificate for Practice in Areas of Critical Need.” (2) The board may issue a temporary certificate to a physician who complies with subsection (3) […]
458.316 Public health certificate.— (1) Any person desiring to obtain a public health certificate shall submit an application fee not to exceed $300 and shall demonstrate to the board that he or she is a graduate of an accredited medical school and holds a master of public health degree or is board eligible or certified in public […]
458.3165 Public psychiatry certificate.—The board shall issue a public psychiatry certificate to an individual who remits an application fee not to exceed $300, as set by the board, who is a board-certified psychiatrist, who is licensed to practice medicine without restriction in another state, and who meets the requirements in s. 458.311(1)(a)-(g) and (5). A recipient […]
458.317 Limited licenses.— (1)(a) Any person desiring to obtain a limited license shall submit to the board an application and fee not to exceed $300 and demonstrate that he or she has been licensed to practice medicine in any jurisdiction in the United States for at least 10 years and intends to practice only pursuant to the […]