469.001 Definitions.—As used in this chapter: (1) “Abatement” means the removal, encapsulation, enclosure, or disposal of asbestos. (2) “AHERA” means the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986, 15 U.S.C. s. 2601, and any rules adopted thereunder. (3) “Asbestos” means the asbestiform varieties of chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite. (4) “Asbestos abatement worker” means a person who works […]
469.002 Exemptions.— (1) This chapter does not apply to: (a) An authorized employee of the United States, this state, or any municipality, county, or other political subdivision, public or private school, or private entity who has completed all training required by NESHAP and OSHA or by ASHARA for the activities described in this paragraph and who is conducting […]
469.003 License required.— (1) No person may conduct an asbestos survey, develop an operation and maintenance plan, or monitor and evaluate asbestos abatement unless trained and licensed as an asbestos consultant as required by this chapter. (2) No person may prepare asbestos abatement specifications unless trained and licensed as an asbestos consultant as required by this chapter. (3) No […]
469.004 License; asbestos consultant; asbestos contractor.— (1) All asbestos consultants must be licensed by the department. An asbestos consultant’s license may be issued only to an applicant who holds a current, valid, active license as an architect issued under chapter 481; holds a current, valid, active license as a professional engineer issued under chapter 471; holds a […]
469.005 License requirements.—All applicants for licensure as either asbestos consultants or asbestos contractors shall: (1) Pay the initial licensing fee. (2) When applying for licensure as an asbestos consultant, successfully complete the following department-approved courses: (a) A building asbestos surveys and mechanical systems course. Such course shall consist of not less than 3 days of instruction. (b) An asbestos management […]
469.006 Licensure of business organizations; qualifying agents.— (1) If an individual proposes to engage in consulting or contracting in that individual’s own name, the license may be issued only to that individual. (2)(a) If the applicant proposes to engage in consulting or contracting as a partnership, corporation, business trust, or other legal entity, or in any name other […]
469.007 Responsibilities.— (1) A qualifying agent is a primary qualifying agent unless that agent is a secondary qualifying agent under this section. (a) All primary qualifying agents for a business organization are jointly and equally responsible for supervision of all operations of the business organization, for all field work at all sites, and for financial matters, both for […]
469.008 Fees.—The department shall establish, by rule, reasonable fees to be paid for applications, examinations, licensing and renewal, recordmaking, and recordkeeping. Fees for application, initial licensure, renewal, or reactivation may not exceed $500 per applicant. The department may, by rule, establish late renewal penalty fees, in an amount not to exceed the initial licensure fee. History.—s. […]
469.009 License revocation, suspension, and denial of issuance or renewal.— (1) The department may revoke, suspend, or deny the issuance or renewal of a license; reprimand, censure, or place on probation any contractor, consultant, financially responsible officer, or business organization; require financial restitution to a consumer; impose an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 per violation; require […]
469.011 Authority to make rules.—The department shall adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this chapter. In developing the rules, the department shall consider related Florida Statutes and the rules promulgated thereunder, the criteria established in the Environmental Protection Agency Guidelines, and AHERA, ASHARA, NESHAP, and OSHA regulations. History.—s. 53, […]
469.012 Course requirements for onsite supervisors and asbestos abatement workers.— (1) Each asbestos contractor’s onsite supervisor must complete an asbestos contractor/supervisor course of not less than 5 days prior to engaging in onsite supervision. Such training shall cover the nature of the health risks, the medical effects of exposure, federal and state asbestos laws and regulations, worker […]
469.013 Course requirements for asbestos surveyors, management planners, project monitors, and project designers.— (1) All asbestos surveyors, management planners, and project monitors must comply with the requirements set forth in this section prior to commencing such activities and must also complete the continuing education necessary to maintain accreditation each year. (a) Management planners must complete all requirements of […]
469.014 Approval of asbestos training courses and providers.— (1) The department shall approve training courses and the providers of such courses as are required under this chapter. The department must also approve training courses and the providers of such courses who offer training for persons who are exempt from licensure as an asbestos contractor or asbestos consultant […]