492.101 Purpose.—It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the state that, in order to safeguard the life, health, property, and public well-being of its citizens, any person practicing or offering to practice geology in this state shall meet the requirements of this chapter. History.—ss. 1, 19, ch. 87-403; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. […]
492.102 Definitions.—For the purposes of this chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise: (1) “Board” means the Board of Professional Geologists. (2) “Department” means the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. (3) “Geology” means the science which includes the treatment of the earth and its origin and history, in general; the investigation of the earth’s crust and interior and […]
492.103 Board of Professional Geologists.— (1) There is created in the Department of Business and Professional Regulation the Board of Professional Geologists. The board shall consist of seven members, five of whom shall be professional geologists, and two of whom shall be laypersons who are not and have never been geologists or members of any closely related […]
492.104 Rulemaking authority.—The Board of Professional Geologists has authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement this chapter. Every licensee shall be governed and controlled by this chapter and the rules adopted by the board. The board is authorized to set, by rule, fees for application, examination, late renewal, initial licensure, and […]
492.105 Licensure by examination; requirements; fees.— (1) Any person desiring to be licensed as a professional geologist shall apply to the department to take the licensure examination. The written licensure examination shall be designed to test an applicant’s qualifications to practice professional geology, and shall include such subjects as will tend to ascertain the applicant’s knowledge of […]
492.1051 Registered geologist-in-training; requirements.— (1) A person desiring to register as a geologist-in-training shall apply to the department to take a discrete portion of the examination required for licensure as a professional geologist in this state. This discrete portion shall cover the fundamentals of geology. The department shall examine each applicant who the board certifies: (a) Has completed […]
492.106 Provisional licenses.—The department may provide a provisional license to any person who is not a resident of and has not established a place of business in this state, and who is duly licensed in another state, territory, or possession of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, and who has qualifications which the […]
492.107 Seals.— (1) The board shall prescribe, by rule, a form of seal, including its electronic form, to be used by persons holding valid licenses. All geological papers, reports, and documents prepared or issued by the licensee shall be signed, dated, and sealed by the licensee who performed or is responsible for the supervision, direction, or control […]
492.108 Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fees.— (1) The department shall issue a license by endorsement to any applicant who, upon applying to the department and remitting an application fee, has been certified by the board that he or she: (a) Has met the qualifications for licensure in s. 492.105(1)(b)-(e) and: 1. Is the holder of an active license in […]
492.109 Renewal of license; fees.— (1) The department shall renew a license upon receipt of the renewal application and fee. (2) The department shall adopt rules establishing a procedure for the biennial renewal of licenses. (3) The licensee must have on file with the department the address of her or his primary place of practice within this state prior […]
492.1101 Inactive status.— (1) A license that has become inactive may be reactivated under s. 492.109 upon application to the department. (2) The board shall promulgate rules relating to the reactivation of inactive licenses and shall prescribe by rule a fee for the reactivation of inactive licenses. History.—ss. 10, 19, ch. 87-403; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 291, […]
492.111 Practice of professional geology by a firm, corporation, or partnership.—The practice of, or offer to practice, professional geology by individual professional geologists licensed under the provisions of this chapter through a firm, corporation, or partnership offering geological services to the public through individually licensed professional geologists as agents, employees, officers, or partners thereof is permitted […]
492.112 Prohibitions; penalties.— (1) A person may not knowingly: (a) Practice professional geology unless the person is licensed under this chapter. (b) Use the name or title “Professional Geologist” or any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviations, or device tending to indicate that the person holds an active license as a professional geologist when the person is not licensed […]
492.113 Disciplinary proceedings.— (1) The following acts constitute grounds for which the disciplinary actions in subsection (3) may be taken: (a) Violation of any provision of s. 492.112 or any other provision of this chapter. (b) Attempting to procure a license to practice professional geology by bribery or fraudulent misrepresentations. (c) Having a license to practice professional geology revoked, suspended, […]
492.114 Lost, destroyed, stolen, or mutilated licenses.—A duplicate license for a duly licensed professional geologist may be issued to replace a license lost, destroyed, stolen, or mutilated, subject to rules of the department. Any mutilated license shall be returned to the department before a duplicate license may be issued. Any lost, presumed destroyed, or stolen license […]
492.115 Roster of licensed professional geologists.—A roster showing the names and places of business or residence of all licensed professional geologists and all properly qualified firms, corporations, or partnerships practicing professional geology in the state shall be prepared annually by the department. A copy of this roster must be made available to each licensed professional geologist […]
492.116 Exemptions.—The following persons are specifically exempted from this chapter, provided, however, that all final geological papers or documents which have been prepared by a person exempt under subsection (1), subsection (2), subsection (3), or subsection (4) for delivery to any person for public record with the state shall be dated and bear the signature and […]
492.1165 Construction of chapter.—Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent or prohibit the practice of any profession or trade for which a license is required under any other law of this state, or the practice by registered professional engineers. History.—ss. 17, 19, ch. 87-403; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 65, ch. 2000-356.