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Home » US Law » 2022 Florida Statutes » Title XXXIV - Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco » Chapter 562 - Beverage Law: Enforcement

562.01 – Possession of Untaxed Beverages.

562.01 Possession of untaxed beverages.—It is unlawful for any person to own, possess, purchase, sell, serve, distribute, or store any alcoholic beverages unless said person has fully complied with the pertinent provisions of the beverage law relating to the payment of excise taxes. History.—s. 9, ch. 16774, 1935; CGL 1936 Supp. 4151(235); s. 10, ch. 18015, […]

562.02 – Possession of Beverage Not Permitted to Be Sold Under License.

562.02 Possession of beverage not permitted to be sold under license.—It is unlawful for a licensee under the Beverage Law or his or her agent to have in his or her possession, or permit anyone else to have in his or her possession, at or in the place of business of such licensee, alcoholic beverages not […]

562.025 – Possession of Beverages as Food Ingredients.

562.025 Possession of beverages as food ingredients.—This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the owner or employee of a public food service establishment from possessing or using alcoholic beverages manufactured pursuant to law as ingredients to enhance the flavor of food prepared in connection with the operation of such establishment, provided that such public food […]

562.03 – Storage on Licensed Premises.

562.03 Storage on licensed premises.— (1) It is unlawful for any vendor to store or keep any alcoholic beverages in any building or room other than: (a) The building or room shown in the diagram accompanying the vendor’s license application; (b) A building or room approved by the division and located in a county where the vendor has a […]

562.06 – Sale Only on Licensed Premises.

562.06 Sale only on licensed premises.—Each license application shall describe the location of the place of business where such beverage may be sold. It is unlawful to sell, or permit the sale of such beverage except on the premises covered by the license as described in the application therefor. History.—s. 11, ch. 16774, 1935; CGL 1936 […]

562.061 – Misrepresentation of Beverages Sold on Licensed Premises.

562.061 Misrepresentation of beverages sold on licensed premises.—It is unlawful for any licensee, his or her agent or employee knowingly to sell or serve any beverage represented or purporting to be an alcoholic beverage which in fact is not such beverage. It is further unlawful for any licensee knowingly to keep or store on the licensed […]

562.07 – Illegal Transportation of Beverages.

562.07 Illegal transportation of beverages.—It is unlawful for alcoholic beverages to be transported in quantities of more than 12 bottles except as follows: (1) By common carriers; (2) In the owned or leased vehicles of licensed vendors or any persons authorized in s. 561.57(3) transporting alcoholic beverage purchases from the distributor’s place of business to the vendor’s licensed […]

562.11 – Selling, Giving, or Serving Alcoholic Beverages to Person Under Age 21; Providing a Proper Name; Misrepresenting or Misstating Age or Age of Another to Induce Licensee to Serve Alcoholic Beverages to Person Under 21; Penalties.

1562.11 Selling, giving, or serving alcoholic beverages to person under age 21; providing a proper name; misrepresenting or misstating age or age of another to induce licensee to serve alcoholic beverages to person under 21; penalties.— (1)(a) A person may not sell, give, serve, or permit to be served alcoholic beverages to a person under 21 years […]

562.111 – Possession of Alcoholic Beverages by Persons Under Age 21 Prohibited.

1562.111 Possession of alcoholic beverages by persons under age 21 prohibited.— (1) It is unlawful for any person under the age of 21 years, except a person employed under the provisions of s. 562.13 acting in the scope of her or his employment, to have in her or his possession alcoholic beverages, except that nothing contained in […]

562.112 – Alcohol-Related or Drug-Related Overdoses; Medical Assistance; Immunity From Arrest, Charge, Prosecution, and Penalization.

562.112 Alcohol-related or drug-related overdoses; medical assistance; immunity from arrest, charge, prosecution, and penalization.— (1) A person who gives alcohol to an individual under 21 years of age and who, acting in good faith, seeks medical assistance for the individual experiencing, or believed to be experiencing, an alcohol-related or a drug-related overdose may not be arrested, charged, […]

562.121 – Operating Bottle Club Without License Prohibited.

562.121 Operating bottle club without license prohibited.—It is unlawful for any person to operate a bottle club without the license required by s. 561.14(6). Any person convicted of a violation of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. History.—s. 5, ch. 90-233.

562.131 – Solicitation for Sale of Alcoholic Beverage Prohibited; Penalty.

562.131 Solicitation for sale of alcoholic beverage prohibited; penalty.— (1) It is unlawful for any licensee, his or her employee, agent, servant, or any entertainer employed at the licensed premises or employed on a contractual basis to entertain, perform or work upon the licensed premises to beg or solicit any patron or customer thereof or visitor in […]

562.15 – Unlawful Possession; Unpaid Taxes.

562.15 Unlawful possession; unpaid taxes.—It is unlawful for any person to own or possess within this state any alcoholic beverage, unless full compliance has been had with the pertinent provisions of the Beverage Law as to payment of excise taxes on beverages of like alcohol content. However, this section shall not apply: (1) To manufacturers or distributors […]

562.16 – Possession of Beverages Upon Which Tax Is Unpaid.

562.16 Possession of beverages upon which tax is unpaid.—Any person or corporation who shall own or have in her or his or its possession any beverage upon which a tax is imposed by the Beverage Law, or which would be imposed if such beverage were manufactured in or brought into this state in accordance with the […]

562.165 – Production of Beer or Wine for Personal or Family Use; Exemption.

562.165 Production of beer or wine for personal or family use; exemption.— (1) Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, a person who is not prohibited by s. 562.111 from possessing alcoholic beverages may produce beer for personal or family use, and not for sale, in the amounts provided in this section without payment of taxes or fees […]

562.17 – Collection of Unpaid Beverage Taxes.

562.17 Collection of unpaid beverage taxes.—Any excise tax imposed by the Beverage Law may be collected as any other excise tax imposed by the state, and all rights and remedies available in the collection of any excise tax imposed by the state are made available for the collection of taxes imposed under the Beverage Law. Any […]

562.18 – Possession of Beverage Upon Which Federal Tax Unpaid.

562.18 Possession of beverage upon which federal tax unpaid.—It is unlawful for any person to have in her or his possession within this state any alcoholic beverage on which a federal excise tax is required to be paid, unless such federal excise tax has been paid as to such beverage. History.—s. 4, ch. 18015, 1937; CGL […]