668.801 Purpose.—This part shall be construed liberally to: (1) Safeguard an owner, operator, or lessee of a protected computer used in the operation of a business from harm or loss caused by unauthorized access to such computer. (2) Safeguard an owner of information stored in a protected computer used in the operation of a business from harm or […]
668.802 Definitions.—As used in this part, the term: (1) “Authorized user” means a director, officer, employee, third-party agent, contractor, or consultant of the owner, operator, or lessee of the protected computer or the owner of information stored in the protected computer if the director, officer, employee, third-party agent, contractor, or consultant is given express permission by the […]
668.803 Prohibited acts.—A person who knowingly and with intent to cause harm or loss: (1) Obtains information from a protected computer without authorization and, as a result, causes harm or loss; (2) Causes the transmission of a program, code, or command to a protected computer without authorization and, as a result of the transmission, causes harm or loss; […]
668.804 Remedies.— (1) A person who brings a civil action for a violation under s. 668.803 may: (a) Recover actual damages, including the person’s lost profits and economic damages. (b) Recover the violator’s profits that are not included in the computation of actual damages under paragraph (a). (c) Obtain injunctive or other equitable relief from the court to prevent a […]
668.805 Exclusions.—This part does not prohibit any lawfully authorized investigative, protective, or intelligence activity of any law enforcement agency, regulatory agency, or political subdivision of this state, any other state, the United States, or any foreign country. This part may not be construed to impose liability on any provider of an interactive computer service as defined […]