616.251 Florida State Fair Authority; creation; responsibility for staging annual state fair.— (1) There is created and constituted the “Florida State Fair Authority,” a public body corporate and politic, for the purposes and with the powers set forth in this part. Such instrumentality, hereinafter referred to as “the authority,” shall have perpetual succession. For the purposes of […]
616.252 Florida State Fair Authority; membership; number, terms, compensation.— (1)(a) The authority shall be composed of 22 members. The Commissioner of Agriculture, or her or his designee, shall serve as a voting member. There shall also be a member who is the member of the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County representing the county commission district […]
616.253 Florida State Fair Authority; officers; quorum.—The authority shall elect from among its members an executive committee to consist of a chair, who shall preside, a vice chair, a secretary, a treasurer, and such other officers as the authority may deem necessary or expedient in the performance of its functions. The same person may serve both […]
616.254 Authority of Florida State Fair Authority to sue and be a party to suits.—The authority may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and complain and defend in all courts of law and equity with respect to its contractual rights and obligations and its responsibility to carry out its proper purposes and functions. History.—s. […]
616.255 Duties of authority; Florida State Fairgrounds.—The authority shall: (1) Designate a suitable location in Hillsborough County as the Florida State Fairgrounds. (2) Throughout each year, promote the progress of the state and stimulate public interest in the advantages and development of the state by providing facilities for agricultural and industrial exhibitions, public gatherings, cultural activities, and other […]
616.256 Powers of authority.— (1) The authority shall have power to: (a) Have a seal and alter the same at its pleasure. (b) Acquire, hold, lease, and dispose of real and personal property for authorized purposes. (c) Own, operate, maintain, repair, and improve its facilities. (d) Acquire in its own name by purchase, grant, gift, or lease, on such terms and […]
616.257 Issuance of revenue bonds by authority.— (1) Revenue bonds may be issued on behalf of and at the request of the authority, as provided in the State Bond Act. The proceeds of each issue of bonds shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of the state fair project or projects for which the […]
616.258 Revenues from projects of authority.— (1) The authority shall fix and revise from time to time rates, fees, rentals, tolls, or other charges for the use of each project or for the services and facilities furnished thereby and charge and collect the same. Such rates, fees, rentals, tolls, or other charges shall be so fixed and […]
616.259 Revenues of authority; trust funds.—All moneys received pursuant to the authority of this part, whether as proceeds from the sale of revenue bonds or as revenues, shall be deemed to be trust funds. Proceeds from the sale of revenue bonds shall be held and applied as provided by law. Revenues of the authority shall be […]
616.260 Tax exemption of authority.—It is hereby found and determined that all of the projects authorized by this part constitute essential governmental purposes, and all of the properties, revenues, moneys, and other assets owned and used in the operation of those projects shall be exempt from all taxation, including special assessments, by the state or by […]
616.261 Finances of Florida State Fair.—Operation of the Florida State Fair, and custody and maintenance of the buildings and grounds, shall be financed from the revenues derived from the state fair and other exhibits or events; revenue bonds; lease, rental, or other charges for the use of the buildings or grounds; and donations and other available […]
616.262 Conveyance by the authority; option to acquire by Board of Trustees of Internal Improvement Trust Fund.—Any provision of this part to the contrary notwithstanding, no transfer, lease, conveyance, or encumbrance of any land or interest therein inconsistent with the development of a state fair as provided in this part shall be made without prior approval […]
616.263 Annual reports of authority.— (1) The authority shall submit each year, at least 60 days prior to the convening of the Legislature in regular session, a comprehensive report to the Commissioner of Agriculture outlining the progress and the activities of the authority, including all land bought, leased, acquired, sold, mortgaged, or conveyed, and all buildings and […]
616.265 Issuance of beverage license to the authority.— (1) The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation is authorized, upon application, to issue a beverage license, as contemplated in ss. 561.17 and 565.02, to the Florida State Fair Authority for use by the authority or by a concessionaire under contract […]