This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Act.” History. Ga. L. 1967, p. 674, § 1. Law reviews. For annual survey of commercial law in 1984-1985, see 37 Mercer L. Rev. 139 (1985). For annual survey of commercial law in 1990-1991, see 43 Mercer L. Rev. 119 […]
As used in this article, the term: “Cash sale price” means the price stated in a retail installment contract for which the seller would have sold to the buyer and the buyer would have bought from the seller the motor vehicle which is the subject matter of the retail installment contract if such sale had […]
A retail installment contract shall be in writing, shall be signed by both the buyer and the seller, and shall be completed as to all essential provisions prior to the signing of the contract by the buyer. The printed portion of the contract, other than instructions for completion, shall be in at least six-point type. […]
Notwithstanding any other law, the finance charge, exclusive of insurance and other benefits and official fees, shall not exceed the following rates: Class 1. Any new motor vehicle designated by the manufacturer by a year model not earlier than the year in which the sale is made and all vehicles not previously titled — $10.00 […]
A retail installment seller may advance money to a buyer or pay money to a third party on behalf of the buyer to satisfy a lease on or a lien on or a security interest in a motor vehicle used as a trade-in on a motor vehicle which is the subject of a retail installment […]
Notwithstanding the provisions of any retail installment contract to the contrary, any buyer may pay in full at any time before maturity the debt of any retail installment contract and, in so paying the debt, shall receive a refund credit thereon for the anticipation of payments. The amount of the refund shall represent at least […]
The holder of a contract, upon request by the buyer, may extend the scheduled due date of all or any part of any installment or installments or deferred payment or payments or renew or restate the unpaid time balance of such contract, the amount of the installments, and the time schedule therefor and may collect […]
When any motor vehicle has been repossessed after default in accordance with Part 6 of Article 9 of Title 11, the seller or holder shall not be entitled to recover a deficiency against the buyer unless within ten days after the repossession he or she forwards by registered or certified mail or statutory overnight delivery […]
A claim of violation on any loan or contract secured by an interest in a motor vehicle may be asserted in an individual action only and may not be the subject of a class action under Code Section 9-11-23 or any other provisions of law. Nothing contained in this Code section shall apply to class […]
Any waiver of this article shall be unenforceable and void. History. Ga. L. 1967, p. 674, § 9.
Any person who shall willfully and intentionally violate this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 for the first offense and shall be punished as for a misdemeanor for each subsequent offense. A violation of Code Section 10-1-33 by the seller […]
In addition to the definitions provided for in Code Section 10-1-31, as used in Code Sections 10-1-40 through 10-1-42, the term: “Induce” means to cause a buyer of a motor vehicle under a retail installment contract or a lessee of a motor vehicle under a motor vehicle lease contract to sublease the subject motor vehicle […]
It is unlawful for any person to induce the buyer of a motor vehicle under a retail installment contract to sublease the subject motor vehicle to that person or to any other sublessee without first obtaining written consent to the sublease from the holder of the retail installment contract. It is unlawful for any person […]
Any one or more of the following persons may suffer damage as a result of a violation of subsection (a) or (b) of Code Section 10-1-40: The holder of a retail installment contract; The lessor of a motor vehicle under a motor vehicle lease contract; The buyer of a motor vehicle under a retail installment […]
A lessor or the entity which sells the motor vehicle to the lessor for lease to a lessee may advance money to a lessee or pay money to a third party on behalf of the lessee to satisfy a lease on or a lien on or a security interest in a motor vehicle used as […]