The term “paint,” as used in this article, shall include white lead basic, carbonate, or sublimate, in any kind of oil, or any compound intended for the same use, paste or semipaste, and liquid or mixed paint ready for use. History. Ga. L. 1920, p. 225, § 3; Code 1933, § 73-102.
The director of the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency is charged with the proper enforcement of this article and is empowered to formulate and promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary in carrying out the purposes of this article. History. Ga. L. 1920, p. 225, § 7; Code 1933, § 73-101.
The labels on containers of paints shall clearly and distinctly state the name and residence of the manufacturer of the paint or the distributor thereof or of the party for whom the same is manufactured. The label shall also clearly state the quantity contained in the package; the quantity, in the case of liquid or […]
No person, firm, corporation, or agent or employee of any person, firm, or corporation shall manufacture for sale or offer or expose for sale any flaxseed or linseed oil unless the same shall answer all the chemical tests for purity recognized in the United States Pharmacopoeia or offer or expose for sale any flaxseed or […]
No person, firm, corporation, or agent or employee of any person, firm, or corporation shall sell or expose or offer for sale any flaxseed or linseed oil unless it shall be done under its true name; and each tank car, tank, barrel, keg, or any vessel of such oil shall have distinctly and durably printed, […]
Possession by any person, firm, or corporation, or agent or employee of any person, firm, or corporation dealing in said articles, of any article described in Code Sections 10-1-120 through 10-1-124 and not properly labeled shall be considered prima-facie evidence that the same is kept by such person, firm, or corporation in violation of this […]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to distribute, sell, or offer for sale within this state any paint used specifically for marking timber if such paint will not remain effective for a period of at least 12 months if applied to timber in a nondiluted state. The label on the container […]
Whoever shall sell or offer or expose for sale any paint which shall be labeled or marked in such manner as to tend to deceive the purchaser as to its nature or composition or which shall not be accurately labeled as required in this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, […]