As used in this article, the term: “Applicant” means a corporate entity applying for a license pursuant to this article. “Available capital” means corporate assets that are available to fund business operations in the event a license is awarded pursuant to Part 2 of this article. “Class 1 production license” means a license to produce […]
Except as otherwise provided in this article, it shall be unlawful for any person in this state to produce, grow, manufacture, or dispense low THC oil or any products related to its production in this state. History. Code 1981, § 16-12-201 , enacted by Ga. L. 2019, p. 43, § 4/HB 324.
There is created the Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission which is assigned to the Secretary of State for administrative purposes only, as prescribed in Code Section 50-4-3. The commission shall consist of seven members who shall be appointed as follows: Three members appointed by the Governor; Two members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor; and […]
The commission shall have the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: To apply for, receive, and administer state funds appropriated to the commission, private grants and donations, and other funds and donations. The commission’s annual distributions shall be capped and limited to funds received from the sources specified in this paragraph. The commission shall ensure that […]
Upon request by a designated university, the commission shall issue nontransferable designated university licenses for the production of low THC oil and products. The licenses granted to designated universities pursuant to this Code section shall be in addition to any licenses issued pursuant to Part 2 of this article. The designated universities shall have the […]
Upon request by a licensed pharmacy in this state, the State Board of Pharmacy shall be authorized to develop an annual, nontransferable specialty dispensing license for an independent pharmacy with a registered office located within this state to dispense low THC oil and products to registered patients. The State Board of Pharmacy shall develop rules […]
The General Assembly shall establish a Medical Cannabis Commission Oversight Committee with two members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor and two members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Any member of the Medical Cannabis Commission Oversight Committee shall be permitted to inspect any production facility upon request and after reasonable notice is […]