The General Assembly finds in regard to the creation of an Education Coordinating Council that said council should: Provide a forum for interagency communication regarding educational policy and programs; Provide for the effective and efficient coordination and seamlessness of public education programs and components within the education system of Georgia; Prevent unnecessary duplication of services […]
Any decision or action by the council directing action by any department, board, or office represented on the council shall be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body of the affected department, board, or office for immediate action. The action taken by the affected department, board, or office […]
The Governor, as chairperson of the council, may appoint such study commissions as he or she shall deem appropriate to the purposes of this chapter to study education questions, issue findings, and make recommendations to the council. Such study commissions shall be composed of such number of residents of Georgia, with recognized interest or expertise […]
There is created an education council to be known as the “Education Coordinating Council” or “council” and as used in this chapter, the term “council” shall mean the Education Coordinating Council. History. Code 1981, § 20-14-2 , enacted by Ga. L. 2000, p. 618, § 93.
The council shall consist of the Governor, the State School Superintendent, the chairperson of the State Board of Education, the chancellor of the University System of Georgia, the chairperson of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, the commissioner of the Technical College System of Georgia, the chairperson of the State Board […]
Except as otherwise provided in this part, a majority of the members of the council then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. No vacancy on the council shall impair the right of the quorum to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the council. The vote of a majority […]
The council shall issue an annual report. Copies shall be distributed to each member of the General Assembly not later than the first Monday in December of every year, commencing December 2001. The report shall include: A summary of the council’s activities, findings, recommendations, and decisions over the past year; and Such other matters as […]
All departments, boards, and offices represented on the council, the Office of Planning and Budget, and the Office of Student Achievement shall select and appoint such personnel as each such department, board, or office shall determine to be necessary to support the council in the performance of its duties, with the approval of the council. […]
The council shall have the following powers: To have a seal and alter the same at its pleasure; To adopt bylaws for its internal government and procedures; To make and execute contracts, lease agreements, and all other instruments necessary or convenient to exercise the powers of the council or to further the public purpose for […]
The council shall have the following general powers and duties, in addition to any and all other powers enumerated in this article, any or all of which may be exercised by the council directly or by the Office of Student Achievement under the direction and supervision of the council: To foster coordination and cooperation among […]
All state departments, agencies, boards, bureaus, commissions, and authorities are authorized and required to make available to the council access to records or data which are available in electronic format or, if electronic format is unavailable, in whatever format is available. The judicial and legislative branches are authorized to likewise provide such access to the […]