There is created the Office of Student Achievement. The chief administrative and executive officer of the office shall be the director, who shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Subject to the general policy established by the Education Coordinating Council, the director shall be responsible for the performance […]
The office shall have the following duties: To create a single state-wide accountability system, establish indicators of performance, rate schools and school systems, develop annual report cards for elementary, middle, and secondary schools, and formulate a system of school awards and interventions. The State Board of Education shall approve a single accountability system for local […]
The office shall have the power and authority to incorporate a nonprofit corporation that could qualify as a public foundation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to aid the office in carrying out any of its powers and in accomplishing any of its purposes. Any nonprofit corporation created pursuant to this power shall […]
The office shall have the power and authority to incorporate a nonprofit corporation that could qualify as a public foundation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to aid the office in carrying out any of its powers and in accomplishing any of its purposes. Any nonprofit corporation incorporated pursuant to this power shall […]
The office shall submit the following reports to the council: An annual report regarding pre-kindergarten education shall be submitted no later than December 1 of each year, commencing December 1, 2002. The pre-kindergarten report shall be an evaluation of the progress made on performance indicators identified and defined by the office and approved by the […]
When the state-wide comprehensive educational information system provided for in Code Section 20-2-320 becomes functional, the office shall conduct a longitudinal study of the effect of nationally certified teachers on student performance in Georgia. Thereafter, the office shall prepare an annual report addressing the question of whether nationally certified and Teacher Alternative Preparation Program teachers […]
When private colleges and universities in this state provide the Office of Student Achievement with confidential student data or records concerning students enrolled in such private colleges and universities, such private colleges and universities shall not be held liable in any court in this state for any breach of confidentiality, disclosure, use, retention, or destruction […]