There is created the position of Chief Turnaround Officer. The Governor, after consulting with the State School Superintendent and the Education Turnaround Advisory Council and, in his or her discretion, conducting a national search, shall appoint the Chief Turnaround Officer who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Chief Turnaround Officer shall be […]
The Chief Turnaround Officer with the recommendation of the State School Superintendent, shall propose individuals experienced in turning around schools that have similar needs and characteristics as those schools identified pursuant to Code Section 20-14-45, to serve as turnaround coaches, subject to approval by the state board. Turnaround coaches shall assist schools that are identified […]
As used in this Code section, the term “turnaround eligible schools” means the schools that have performed in the lowest 5 percent of schools in this state identified in accordance with the state-wide accountability system established in the state plan pursuant to the federal Every Student Succeeds Act. The Chief Turnaround Officer, in conjunction with […]
Within 30 days of entering into a contract amendment or intervention contract between the State Board of Education and a local board of education pursuant to Code Section 20-14-45, the local board of education shall, in consultation with the turnaround coach, select a third-party specialist to conduct a comprehensive on-site diagnostic review in cooperation with […]
Within the first 60 instructional days of the school year of a contract amendment or intervention contract pursuant to Code Section 20-14-45, turnaround coaches shall coordinate with each school to conduct individual assessments of those students who have been identified as low-performing and shall coordinate with schools to provide the following interventions, as agreed to […]
The State School Superintendent shall ensure that all necessary department resources and supports are made available for full implementation of this part, including, but not limited to, the implementation of the intensive school improvement plans established pursuant to Code Section 20-14-46 for schools for which a local board of education has entered into a contract […]
If after three school years of implementing the intensive school improvement plan developed pursuant to Code Section 20-14-46, the school is not improving, as determined by the Chief Turnaround Officer based on the terms of the amended contract, amended charter, or the intervention contract and on other applicable factors, the Chief Turnaround Officer shall require […]
There is created the Education Turnaround Advisory Council which shall report to the State School Superintendent. The Education Turnaround Advisory Council shall be composed of: The executive director of the Georgia School Boards Association or his or her designee; The executive director of the Georgia School Superintendents Association or his or her designee; The executive […]
The Chief Turnaround Officer shall prepare a written biannual update on the status of each school that is under a contract amendment or intervention contract pursuant to Code Section 20-14-45. The Chief Turnaround Officer shall provide such biannual reports no later than February 1 and August 1 of each year to the chairpersons of the […]