The Department of Early Care and Learning is created as a department of the executive branch of state government and shall have the duties, responsibilities, functions, powers, and authority set forth in this chapter and otherwise provided by law. The Department of Early Care and Learning is the successor to the Office of School Readiness […]
The department is authorized and empowered to establish, maintain, extend, and improve throughout the state, within the limits of funds appropriated for such purposes, the regulation of early care and education programs by providing consultation and making recommendations concerning establishment and implementation of such programs and by licensing and inspecting periodically all such programs to […]
A determination by the department regarding payments and eligibility pursuant to any federal program or grant shall be preceded by notice and opportunity for a hearing and shall constitute a contested case within the meaning of Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.” History. Code 1981, § 20-1A-10.1 , enacted by Ga. […]
Any person who violates the provisions of Code Section 20-1A-10 or who hinders, obstructs, or otherwise interferes with any representative of the department in the discharge of that person’s official duties in making inspections or in investigating complaints as provided in such Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person, license holder, commission […]
This Code section shall be applicable to any early care and education program which is subject to regulation by the department in accordance with this chapter. For purposes of this Code section, the term “license” shall be used to refer to any license, commission, or permit issued by the department pursuant to the provisions of […]
As used in this Code section, the term: “Emergency order” or “order” means a written directive by the commissioner or the commissioner’s designee placing a monitor in a program or providing notice of intended emergency closure of a program. “Monitor” means a person designated by the department to remain on site in a program as […]
The department upon application or petition may grant variances and waivers to specific rules and regulations which establish standards for early care and education programs regulated by the department as follows: The department may authorize departure from the literal requirements of a rule or regulation by granting a variance upon a showing by the applicant […]
As used in this chapter, the term “inspection warrant” means a warrant authorizing a search or inspection of private property where such a search or inspection is one that is necessary for the enforcement of any of the provisions of laws authorizing licensure, inspection, or regulation by the department. The commissioner or the commissioner’s delegate, […]
It shall be the duty of all other state departments, agencies, officers, and employees to assure the most effective coordination and use of state resources, personnel, and facilities for the benefit of children and youths and to assist the department in effectuating the purposes of this chapter by making available to the department upon request […]
The commissioner and the State School Superintendent, with the concurrence of the board for the department and the State Board of Education, are authorized to transfer programs relating to early childhood education from the Department of Education to the department, as long as such programs are not expressly assigned to the Department of Education by […]
Each child care learning center and family child care learning home shall, by September 1 of each year, provide to the parent or guardian of each child enrolled therein educational information on the influenza vaccine. Such information shall include, but not be limited to: The causes and symptoms of influenza and the means by which […]
As used in this chapter, the term: “Board” means the Board of Early Care and Learning. “Change of ownership applicant” means any licensed or commissioned early care and education program applying for a new license or commission to operate an early care and education program. “Child care learning center” means any place operated by a […]
There is created a Board of Early Care and Learning and a commissioner of early care and learning. The board shall consist of one member from each congressional district appointed by the Governor. In as far as it is practical, the members of the board shall be representative of all areas and functions encompassed within […]
The Department of Early Care and Learning shall have the following powers and duties: To administer such programs and services as may be necessary for the operation and management of voluntary pre-kindergarten, which shall be known as “Georgia’s Pre-K Program”; To administer such programs and services as may be necessary for the operation and management […]
The department shall have the power and authority to incorporate a nonprofit corporation that could qualify as a public foundation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to aid the department in carrying out any of its powers and in accomplishing any of its purposes. Any nonprofit corporation created pursuant to this power shall […]
This chapter shall not be construed to impair or affect the rights of persons previously transferred to the Office of School Readiness who were members of the Teachers Retirement System of Georgia created in Chapter 3 of Title 47 and who elected to continue membership in such retirement system in accordance with previous law. History. […]
The department shall succeed to all rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and pending and finalized administrative orders of the Office of School Readiness which are in effect on September 30, 2004. Such rules, regulations, policies, and procedures shall remain in effect until amended, repealed, superseded, or nullified by the board or commissioner, as applicable. History. Code […]
Each newly printed publication, poster, banner, or sign created for the pre-kindergarten program by the department or a provider of pre-kindergarten services shall refer to the program as “Georgia’s Pre-K Program.” History. Code 1981, § 20-1A-7 , enacted by Ga. L. 2002, p. 1083, § 2; Ga. L. 2004, p. 645, § 1; Ga. L. […]
Effective October 1, 2004, the department shall carry out all of the functions and exercise all of the powers formerly held by the Department of Human Resources (now known as the Department of Human Services) for the regulation and licensure of early care and education programs and any other functions as agreed upon by the […]
The department shall succeed to all rights and responsibilities relating to licensure and regulation of day-care centers (now known as child care learning centers), group day-care homes (now known as child care learning centers), and family day-care homes (now known as family child care learning homes), including such rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and pending and […]