For the purpose of anticipating collection of the taxes of any year, the Governor is authorized to draw his warrant at the end of each and every month during any year, in the favor of the State School Superintendent or of the several county school superintendents and treasurers of local school systems, in the discretion […]
It shall be lawful to sell at a discount warrants drawn under Code Section 20-2-830 to any person, bank, or banking institution, the sale to be made at the lowest possible rate of discount. History. Ga. L. 1919, p. 288, § 104; Code 1933, § 32-930.
The Governor is authorized to use any funds in the treasury, which may have been allocated for any special fund or purpose, for the payment of public school teachers to avoid increasing the public debt of the state. Such funds shall be used without payment of interest thereon and it shall be the duty of […]
As used in this Code section, the term: “Student teaching” means the full-time component of a teacher education program in which a student preparing for the education profession is jointly assigned by a teacher education institution and a school system, state operated school, or school operated by the United States Department of Defense on a […]