The State School Superintendent shall be elected by the persons qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly at the same time and in the same manner and for the same term as the Governor is elected. A suitable office shall be furnished him at the seat of government. He shall prescribe suitable forms […]
To render a person eligible to hold the office of State School Superintendent, he or she shall hold a four-year degree from an accredited college or university. No person who has been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude shall be eligible to hold the office of State School Superintendent. History. Ga. L. 1919, p. […]
Upon entering upon the discharge of his official duties, the State School Superintendent shall give bond in the penal sum of $50,000.00 to the state, with some approved surety company which shall be acceptable to the Secretary of State, conditioned that he will truly account for and apply all money or other property which may […]
The State School Superintendent shall be compensated as provided in Code Sections 45-7-3 and 45-7-4. He shall also be reimbursed for his expenses incurred in connection with the official duties of his office as provided in Code Section 45-7-21. History. Ga. L. 1919, p. 288, § 66; Ga. L. 1931, p. 7, § 96; Code […]
The State School Superintendent shall carry out and enforce all the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and the laws governing the schools receiving state aid; he shall from time to time make such recommendations to the state board as may affect the welfare and efficiency of the public schools. He shall […]
It shall be the duty of the State School Superintendent to visit, as often as possible, the several counties for the purpose of examining into the administration of the school law, counseling with school officers, delivering public addresses, inspecting school operations, and doing such other acts as he may deem in the interest of public […]
In the event of a misapplication of any of the funds apportioned to any of the institutions of learning or schools receiving state aid, the State School Superintendent shall at once proceed to recover such funds by the institution of proper proceedings in the courts after demand to settle the matter is made upon the […]