As used in this article, the term: “Administrator” means any person who administers a group self-insurance fund other than the interlocal risk management agency. “Board of education” or “board” means a public board of education of any county or of any independent school system of this state. “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Insurance. “General liability” […]
A group of boards of education may execute an intergovernmental contract among themselves to form and become members of an interlocal risk management agency. After an interlocal risk management agency has been formed, any board of education may, subject to the bylaws and requirements of such agency, become a member and, through participation in the […]
Each intergovernmental contract establishing an intergovernmental risk management agency shall provide for a board of trustees which shall govern the agency. Such board shall be authorized to administer the agency in accordance with the provisions of the intergovernmental contract establishing the agency and shall be authorized to adopt such bylaws, rules, and regulations as may […]
An interlocal risk management agency created pursuant to this article is not an insurance company or an insurer under Title 33, and the development and administration by such agency of one or more group self-insurance funds shall not constitute doing business as an insurer. History. Code 1981, § 20-2-2004 , enacted by Ga. L. 1986, […]
No interlocal risk management agency shall establish a group self-insurance fund or funds until such agency has been issued a certificate of authority by the Commissioner as provided in this Code section and under such rules and regulations as the Commissioner may promulgate to assure compliance with this article. The Commissioner shall not be authorized […]
The Commissioner shall examine the application made under Code Section 20-2-2005 to determine whether the agency and any established fund will be able to comply with this article and applicable rules and regulations. If the Commissioner finds that the agency and any established fund are capable of complying with such requirements, he shall issue a […]
Each fund formed pursuant to this article shall possess and thereafter maintain minimum surplus in an amount such as the Commissioner may reasonably establish or subsequently require for the protection of the members. The Commissioner may authorize a fund to maintain a deposit consisting of securities eligible for deposit by domestic insurance companies in accordance […]
The investable assets of a fund may be invested in securities or other investments permitted by the laws of this state for the investment of assets constituting the legal reserves of property and casualty insurance companies or in such other securities or investments as the Commissioner may permit such insurers to invest their funds under […]
Each board of education shall be jointly and severally liable for all legal obligations of a fund which arise out of an event which occurred while such board was a member of such fund; provided, however, that a fund shall not assume a risk greater than an amount to be determined by the Commissioner; and […]
If an agency contracts with an administrator, the agency and the administrator must enter into a written agreement which shall be subject to review and approval by the Commissioner in accordance with this Code section and which shall contain at least the following: A contractual provision obligating the administrator to obtain and maintain such bonds, […]
The Commissioner shall require each administrator to have and maintain a fidelity bond in an amount which the Commissioner deems appropriate but which is not less than $100,000.00. Errors and omissions coverage or other appropriate liability insurance in an amount which is not less than that specified by the rules and regulations of the Commissioner […]
The Commissioner may revoke, suspend, or refuse to issue or renew the certificate of authority of any agency when and if, after investigation, he finds that: Any certificate of authority issued to the agency was obtained by fraud; There was any material misrepresentation in the application for the certificate of authority; The agency, any fund […]
Interlocal risk management agencies and funds established by such agencies shall be exempt from state and local taxes and fees. History. Code 1981, § 20-2-2013 , enacted by Ga. L. 1986, p. 1172, § 1.
The Commissioner shall have the authority to require and conduct periodic examinations to verify the solvency of funds in the same manner and under the same conditions as insurers are examined under Chapter 2 of Title 33. History. Code 1981, § 20-2-2014 , enacted by Ga. L. 1986, p. 1172, § 1.
If the assets of a fund are at any time insufficient to enable a fund to discharge its legal liabilities and other obligations and to maintain the reserves and surplus required of it under this article, the agency shall forthwith make up the deficiency or levy an assessment upon the members of the fund for […]
The Commissioner shall have authority to promulgate rules and regulations to effectuate the provisions of this article. History. Code 1981, § 20-2-2016 , enacted by Ga. L. 1986, p. 1172, § 1. Law reviews. For article, “SB 47: Eligibility Expansion for the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program,” see 38 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 83 (2021).
Any party which is aggrieved by any act, determination, order, or any other action of the Commissioner taken pursuant to this article may request a hearing before the Commissioner or otherwise proceed in accordance with Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.” History. Code 1981, § 20-2-2017 , enacted by Ga. L. […]
An interlocal risk management agency shall maintain at all times an excess loss funding program acceptable to the Commissioner. An excess loss funding program may consist of excess insurance, self-funding from unobligated surplus of a fund, any combination of such excess insurance or self-funding, or any other funding program acceptable to the Commissioner. The excess […]
Each fund established under this article shall have an annual audit of its books and accounts performed by a certified public accountant. Such audit shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A copy of such audit shall be made available to fund members. History. Code 1981, § 20-2-2019 , enacted by Ga. […]
The exercise by a board of education or school system of the authority provided in this article shall not constitute the provision of liability insurance protection under Article I, Section II, Paragraph IX of the Constitution of the State of Georgia. The participation by a board of education or school system as a member of […]