There is created as a joint committee of the General Assembly the High School Athletics Overview Committee to be composed of five members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House, one of whom shall be a member of the minority party; five members of the Senate appointed by the Lieutenant […]
The Department of Education, the Attorney General, and all other agencies of state government, upon request by the committee, shall assist the committee in the discharge of its duties set forth in this article. The committee may employ staff and may secure the services of consultants as appropriate and subject to available funding. Upon authorization […]
All high school athletic associations in this state shall cooperate with the committee, its authorized personnel, the Attorney General, the Department of Education, and other state agencies in order that the charges of the committee may be timely and efficiently discharged. The associations shall submit to the committee such reports and data as the committee […]
In the discharge of its duties, the committee shall evaluate the performance of high school athletic associations consistent with the following criteria: Fairness and equity in establishing and implementing its standards; and The promotion of academic achievement and good sportsmanship. History. Code 1981, § 20-2-2103 , enacted by Ga. L. 2014, p. 368, § 1A/SB […]
The committee is authorized to expend state funds available to the committee for the discharge of its duties. Said funds may be used for the purposes of compensating staff, paying for services of consultants, and paying all other necessary expenses incurred by the committee in performing its duties. The members of the committee shall receive […]