Superintendents of each school system shall be employed by the local board of education under written contracts for a term of not less than one year and not more than three years. Any provision of any such contract which provides for an extension of the duration of employment thereunder, whether automatic or contingent upon the […]
Before entering upon the discharge of his or her official duties, the local school superintendent shall take and subscribe to the following oath of office: STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF I, , do solemnly swear or affirm that I will truly perform the duties of local school superintendent of the School System to the best […]
Each county and independent system school superintendent must give bond with an approved surety company payable to the county or independent system board of education, the amount to be decided by the board. Such bond must be filed with the judge of the probate court of the county and a copy recorded on the records […]
Each local school superintendent shall be certified and classified by the Professional Standards Commission as teachers are now classified and certified under Code Section 20-2-200. The superintendents shall receive salaries according to a schedule of minimum salaries fixed by the state board based on classification and certification in the same manner teachers are paid under […]
The local school superintendent shall constitute the medium of communication between the State School Superintendent and subordinate local school officers. The local school superintendent shall be the executive officer of the local board of education; shall be the agent of the local board in procuring such school equipment and materials as it may order; shall […]
The county school superintendent and members of the county board of education are authorized to administer oaths necessary in transacting school business or in conducting investigations before the county boards when sitting as judicial tribunals for determining controversies arising under school laws. History. Ga. L. 1919, p. 288, § 158; Code 1933, § 32-1013.