This part shall be known and may be cited as the “Georgia Student Finance Commission Act.” History. Code 1933, § 32-3101, enacted by Ga. L. 1980, p. 835, § 1. Editor’s notes. The Georgia Student Finance Commission is the successor to the Georgia State Scholarship Commission (see former Code Section 20-2-233(b)), the creation of which […]
Legislative findings. The General Assembly has determined that it is a valid public purpose to promote the educational level of achievement of citizens and persons in this state by creating the Georgia Higher Education Assistance Corporation, a public authority, as provided for in Part 2 of this article, for the purpose of establishing and […]
As used in this part, the term: “Authority” means the Georgia Student Finance Authority created by Code Section 20-3-313. “Board of commissioners” means the board of commissioners of the commission. “Commission” means the Georgia Student Finance Commission created by Code Section 20-3-233. “Corporation” means the Georgia Higher Education Assistance Corporation created by Code Section 20-3-263. […]
There is created within the executive branch of state government a commission to be known as the Georgia Student Finance Commission. The commission shall be an agency of the state and a budget unit thereof. The commission created by subsection (a) of this Code section shall be the successor to and a continuation of, without […]
Functions and composition of board of commissioners. The commission shall be governed and all of its powers, duties, and functions shall be exercised by a board of commissioners. The board of commissioners shall be composed of the following public commissioners, to be appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate: one public commissioner […]
The board of commissioners shall provide for the employment of all personnel and for retention of all support services necessary to enable it to effectuate and carry out its powers, duties, and functions under this part, including, but without limitation, the following: Chief executive officer. The board of commissioners shall select and employ an […]
In addition to all other provisions of this part and in furtherance of the purposes of the commission, the commission shall have the following powers, duties, and functions: The board of commissioners shall serve as the board of directors of the corporation pursuant to this paragraph and Part 2 of this article; and, whenever they […]
If any federal law or rule shall at any time have the effect of prohibiting any person from simultaneously serving as a member of the board of directors of the corporation and as a member of the board of directors of the authority, the Governor is authorized, notwithstanding the provisions of this part or of […]
The commission shall maintain a system of accounts in accordance with generally acceptable accounting procedures and standard accounting procedures and systems established by the state, where applicable, which shall, among other things, properly identify and account for all funds received by the commission from the corporation and from the authority, respectively; the source of receipt […]
The state auditor shall make an annual financial audit of the books, accounts, and records of the commission. The state auditor shall maintain a copy of the audit report on file in his or her office, make copies of the report available for inspection by the general public, and furnish a copy of the report […]
The commission shall submit its regular and supplemental budget requests to the Governor at such times and in such form and manner as required by state law; provided, however, that the commission shall, in accordance with Code Section 50-4-3, include in its budget requests the respective budget requests, if any, of the corporation and of […]
The commission is authorized to publish in print or electronically annually or at less frequent intervals determined by the board of commissioners an operations report covering the activities of the commission, including, without limitation, a report of revenues and expenditures of the commission and a statement of the financial condition of the commission and to […]
Beginning in school year 2010-2011, the Georgia Student Finance Commission shall: Provide students in grades six through 12 with web based counseling advisement, career awareness inventories, and information to assist them in evaluating their academic skills and career interests; and Provide students in grades eight through 12 with a web based resource to develop a […]