Any city, through its properly constituted municipal authorities, may raise by taxation from year to year and permanently appropriate money for the purpose of establishing, erecting, maintaining, or assisting in maintaining a public library. Any such sum or sums of money so appropriated shall be expended by and under the direction of a board of […]
In any city in which an appropriation shall be made under this part, the money so appropriated shall be drawn from the treasury of such city on the warrant of the board of trustees of the public library and shall be paid out from time to time for salaries, purchase of books, and other necessary […]
The board of trustees of the public library of a city is authorized to accept and receive donations, either in money, land, or other property, for the purpose of erecting or assisting in the erection of suitable buildings for the use of such public library, for maintaining it, or for assisting in maintaining it. History. […]
The board of trustees of the public library of a city shall exercise a strict and rigid supervision over such public library; shall pass all necessary rules and regulations for the government and control of it; and shall elect a librarian and, if necessary, an assistant librarian or designate some officer or officers to perform […]
The municipal government of any city in which an appropriation shall be made under this part shall have authority to enter into a legal and binding agreement to accept and receive any donation offered by any person or persons, and any such agreement shall be legal and binding upon the municipal government and its successors. […]