US Lawyer Database

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§ 20-5-41. Establishment of Boards of Trustees to Govern Libraries

Each library system shall be governed by a board of trustees. Each system shall have a governing board of trustees but may have other affiliated boards of trustees for member libraries. The county board of library trustees shall exercise authority in a county system. The regional board of library trustees shall exercise authority in a […]

§ 20-5-42. Membership of Boards of Trustees

A county board of trustees shall consist of at least one appointee from each governmental agency financially supporting the library on a regular basis. Appointments shall be made in writing pursuant to the constitution and bylaws of the library system, shall be transmitted to the appointee and to the library, and shall state the length […]

§ 20-5-43. Duties and Responsibilities of Boards of Trustees

The board of trustees shall have duties and responsibilities which include but are not limited to the following: To employ a library director who meets state certification requirements and such other employees as necessary upon the recommendation of the library system director; provided, however, that the board shall be authorized to delegate employment of staff […]

§ 20-5-44. Compensation of Trustees

Members of the board of trustees shall receive no compensation; provided, however, that such members may be reimbursed for any reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of library business or if stipulated in terms of any bequest or gift. Dues or fees for membership in local, state, regional, and national library associations may […]

§ 20-5-45. Directors of Library Systems; Duties and Responsibilities

Every public library system shall have a director. Any person appointed as director of a public library system must hold at least a Grade 5(b) Librarian’s Professional Graduate Certificate, as defined by the State Board for the Certification of Librarians; provided, however, that any person who was serving as acting director of a public library […]

§ 20-5-46. Reports of the Library System

The library system shall make such reports as deemed necessary by local and state funding agencies. In every case at least an annual report of activities, income, and expenditures shall be filed with each funding agency. History. Code 1981, § 20-5-46 , enacted by Ga. L. 1984, p. 1005, § 1.

§ 20-5-47. Written Constitution

The board of trustees of each county and regional library shall have a written constitution and bylaws stating policy which shall be approved by the board. Such constitution and bylaws shall be drafted in accordance with the current edition of the Handbook on Constitutions, By-laws and Contracts for Georgia Public Libraries. Policies stated in the […]

§ 20-5-48. Ownership of Library Property

A clear title in fee simple to an approved site on which a library facility is to be located shall be held by either the library board of trustees or the county or municipality. Title to property used for library purposes shall be vested in the library board of trustees or in that local agency […]

§ 20-5-49. Authorization of Library Systems to Enter Into Contracts

Library systems are authorized to make and enter into such contracts or agreements as are deemed necessary and desirable. All such contracts or agreements entered into shall: Detail the specific nature of the services, programs, facilities, arrangements, or properties to which such contracts or agreements are applicable; Provide for the allocation of costs and other […]

§ 20-5-50. Requirement of Finance Bond

Each library board which handles finances must keep a current bond for an adequate amount determined by the board of trustees and recorded in the minutes on the library director, the treasurer of the board of trustees, or other officials and employees authorized to handle funds. Proof of the bond for each board must be […]

§ 20-5-51. Dissolution of or Withdrawal From a Library System

A library system shall be dissolved by a reversal of procedures followed in its original organization. A majority of the board members in a majority of the counties must agree to the dissolution of the system. One county in a multicounty system may withdraw by a reversal of the procedure by which the county became […]

§ 20-5-52. Prohibition of Theft or Damage of Library Property

Any person who shall steal or unlawfully take or willfully or maliciously write upon, cut, tear, deface, disfigure, soil, obliterate, break, or destroy or who shall sell or buy or receive, knowing it to have been stolen, any book, pamphlet, document, newspaper, periodical, map, chart, picture, portrait, engraving, statue, coin, medal, equipment, specimen, recording, video […]

§ 20-5-53. Procedures Following Failure of Library Patron to Return Borrowed Property

Any person who borrows from any public library any book, newspaper, magazine, manuscript, pamphlet, publication, recording, video product, microform, computer software, film, or other article or equipment necessary to its display or use belonging to or in the care of such public library under any agreement to return it and thereafter fails to return such […]

§ 20-5-54. Prohibition of Concealing or Removing Library Property

Any person who, without authority and with the intention of depriving the public library of the ownership of such property, willfully conceals a book or other public library property, while still on the premises of such public library, or willfully or without authority removes any book or other property from any public library shall be […]

§ 20-5-56. Requirement of Certification of Librarians

All persons holding professional positions with the title of librarian must be certified by the State Board for the Certification of Librarians. History. Code 1981, § 20-5-56 , enacted by Ga. L. 1984, p. 1005, § 1. Cross references. Librarians, § 43-24-1 et seq. Administrative rules and regulations. Certification of librarians, Official Compilation of the […]

§ 20-5-57. Penalty

Any failure to comply with the provisions of this part shall result in the forfeiture of all state and federal library aid to the system. History. Code 1981, § 20-5-57 , enacted by Ga. L. 1984, p. 1005, § 1.

§ 20-5-58. Time Requirement for Existing Library Systems to Conform With Part

A library system existing prior to July 1, 1984, shall have until July 1, 1989, to comply fully with the provisions of this part, and any provision to the contrary within Chapter 24 of Title 43, relating to libraries, shall be superseded by the provisions of this part. History. Code 1981, § 20-5-58 , enacted […]