It shall be unlawful for any person to release pen raised game birds, except as provided in Code Section 27-2-14, unless the person has first obtained a commercial or private shooting preserve license as provided in Code Section 27-2-23. Such license shall be effective from April 1 through March 31 of the following year. An […]
It shall be unlawful to remove any pen raised game bird from a shooting preserve unless accompanied by the contact information of the preserve from which it was taken. It shall be unlawful to release on a shooting preserve any mallard or black duck unless such duck is a pen raised mallard or black duck. […]
It shall be unlawful to hunt pen raised game birds, other than ring-necked pheasants, on a shooting preserve except between October 1 and March 31 of the following year, and except from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. It shall be unlawful to exceed the daily or season bag limits prescribed by law or regulation […]
It shall be unlawful for any person to propagate, possess, or release on any shooting preserve any wildlife or wild animal except pen raised game birds unless the person has received prior written approval from the department. Importation of any wildlife or wild animal for purposes of propagation, possession, or release on a shooting preserve […]
Except as otherwise specifically provided, all wildlife laws and regulations shall be in full force and effect on shooting preserves licensed pursuant to this article. Specifically, hunting licenses shall be required of all persons hunting on such preserves; provided, however, that it shall be lawful for any resident or nonresident to hunt pen raised game […]
The department is authorized to make and enter into agreements with properly licensed shooting preserves for the purpose of issuance and sale of shooting preserve hunting licenses. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of Code Section 27-2-5, a shooting preserve authorized by the department pursuant to subsection (a) of this Code section may sell shooting […]