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Home » US Law » 2022 Georgia Code » Title 27 - Game and Fish » Chapter 4 - Fish » Article 1 - General Provisions

§ 27-4-1. Salt-Water and Fresh-Water Demarcation Line

The line established in this state as the separation point between salt waters and fresh waters for commercial fishing and sport fishing is as follows: The point at which U.S. Highway 17 crosses the following bodies of water and their tributaries shall be the line of demarcation for them: St. Marys River, Satilla River, South […]

§ 27-4-10. Creel and Possession Limits; Size Restrictions

It shall be unlawful to take in one day or to possess at any one time, except at a commercial storage facility or at one’s place of abode, more than the creel and possession limits established by the board for that fish species; provided, however, that it shall be illegal to possess more than a […]

§ 27-4-11. Fishing in Department Fish Hatcheries

It shall be unlawful to fish in ponds or other waters of fish hatcheries owned or operated by the department, except for those waters which the department opens for fishing. The department may set special creel limits, hours, open dates, age limitations, and other conditions for fishing in the ponds or other waters at each […]

§ 27-4-3. Right to Take Shellfish From Stream or Estuary

Reserved. Repealed by Ga. L. 1991, p. 693, § 2, effective July 1, 1991. Editor’s notes. This Code section was based on Ga. L. 1952, p. 247, §§ 1-6; Ga. L. 1955, p. 483, § 90; Code 1933, § 45-704, enacted by Ga. L. 1977, p. 396, § 1; Ga. L. 1981, Ex. Sess., p. […]

§ 27-4-4. Unlawful Dumping; Recovery of Damages

It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, dump, drain, or allow to pass into any waters of this state which belong to the department or which are being utilized by the department for fish propagation any sawdust, dyestuff, oil, chemicals, or other deleterious substances that will or may tend to injure, destroy, or […]

§ 27-4-5. Methods for Taking Fish Generally

It shall be unlawful to fish for game fish, except American shad, hickory shad, flathead catfish, and channel catfish, by any means other than a pole and line. Except as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful to take any fish in the fresh waters of this state by any method other than a pole and […]

§ 27-4-6. Use of Minnow Seines or Traps

It shall be unlawful to take any game fish or American eels by minnow seines or minnow traps from the fresh waters of this state. It shall also be unlawful to take any nongame fish by minnow seines or minnow traps from any of the fresh waters of this state, except where such fish are […]

§ 27-4-7. Use of Gill Nets; Seizure of Illegal Nets

Except as otherwise provided by law or rule and regulation, it shall be unlawful for any person to use a gill net in any of the fresh waters or salt waters of this state at any time, provided that it shall be lawful for properly licensed fishermen to use such nets in the taking of […]

§ 27-4-8. Unlawful Devices or Substances

It shall be unlawful for any person to use any firearm, battery, generator or other similar device or any dynamite, explosives, or destructive substances, including poisons, walnut hulls, and lime, for the purpose of catching, killing, taking, or harming fish. The possession of any of the foregoing devices or substances, except firearms, in any boat […]