US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


§ 27-4-30. Fishing in Private Ponds

The owner of a private pond, the owner’s immediate family, or tenants with the owner’s consent shall be permitted to fish within the bounds of the pond at any time and in any manner without a fishing license. All other persons shall be required to obtain fishing licenses to fish within the bounds of a […]

§ 27-4-31. Catch-Out Pond Licenses

The owner or operator of a catch-out pond operated as one contiguous unit and under single ownership, including ownership by a partnership, firm, association, or corporation, may purchase a catch-out pond license as provided in Code Section 27-2-23. Such license shall not be transferable to another owner or operator or to any other site. Persons, […]

§ 27-4-32. Sport Trotlines

Sport trotlines must be marked with the owner’s name and address and with visible buoys and must be submerged at least three feet below the surface of the water. Such trotlines must be attended regularly and removed after the completed fishing trip. Unmarked or unattended lines will be confiscated by personnel of the department. As […]

§ 27-4-33. Spearing of Fish

It shall be unlawful to spear game fish and all species of catfish in the fresh waters of this state except as provided in this Code section; provided, however, other species of nongame fish may be speared solely for the purpose of sport, provided the person engaged in the act of spearing is completely submerged. […]

§ 27-4-34. Fishing With Bow and Arrow

It shall be unlawful to take nongame fish from the waters of this state by means of bow and arrow except under the following conditions: Each person using a bow and arrow shall have on his or her person a valid state resident or nonresident fishing license; All arrows used pursuant to this Code section […]

§ 27-4-36. Artificial-Lure Streams or Lakes

It shall be unlawful to fish in any artificial-lure stream or lake except with an artificial lure or to have any bait or lure other than artificial in possession at such stream or lake. The board shall have the authority to designate streams, lakes, or parts of streams or lakes as artificial-lure streams or lakes […]

§ 27-4-37. Taking of Fish by Grabbling, Noodling, or Hand Grabbing

It shall be unlawful to fish for game fish, catfish, and all other species of fish in the freshwaters of the state by grabbling, noodling, or hand grabbing except as provided in this Code section. Flathead, channel, and blue catfish may be taken by hand without the aid of any device, hook, snare, net, or […]