It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in commercial fresh-water fishing in this state without having a valid commercial fishing license as provided in Code Section 27-2-23. The license shall be a personal license required of each individual engaging in the activities covered by this Code section and shall be effective from April […]
Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, it shall be unlawful for any person engaged in commercial fresh-water fishing in this state to use any gear other than trotlines, baskets in accordance with Code Section 27-4-92, turtle traps, or shad nets in accordance with Code Section 27-4-71, to which have been attached a tag […]
Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, it shall be unlawful to fish with any basket unless such basket is constructed of one-inch mesh wire and is not more than 72 inches in length and 60 inches in circumference. One throat shall be located at the extreme front of the basket, and the second […]
It shall be unlawful to use any commercial fishing gear, as designated in this title, within one-half mile below any lock or dam on any of the fresh waters of this state. History. Ga. L. 1955, p. 483, § 91; Code 1933, § 45-806, enacted by Ga. L. 1977, p. 396, § 1.