Upon filing of a petition as provided in Code Section 41-2-2, any nuisance which tends to the immediate annoyance of the public in general, is manifestly injurious to the public health or safety, or tends greatly to corrupt the manners and morals of the public may be abated by order of a judge of the […]
An ordinance adopted by a county or municipality under Code Sections 41-2-7 through 41-2-9, this Code section, and Code Sections 41-2-11 through 41-2-17 shall provide that the public officer may determine, under existing ordinances, that a dwelling, building, or structure is unfit for human habitation or is unfit for its current commercial, industrial, or business […]
An ordinance adopted by the governing body of the county or municipality may authorize the public officer to exercise such powers as may be necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purpose and provisions of Code Sections 41-2-7 through 41-2-10, this Code section, and Code Sections 41-2-12 through 41-2-17, including the following powers […]
Complaints issued by a public officer pursuant to an ordinance adopted under Code Sections 41-2-7 through 41-2-11, this Code section, and Code Sections 41-2-13 through 41-2-17 shall be served in the following manner. At least 14 days prior to the date of the hearing, the public officer shall mail copies of the complaint by certified […]
Any person affected by an order issued by the public officer may petition to the superior court for an injunction restraining the public officer from carrying out the provisions of the order and the court may, upon such petition, issue a temporary injunction restraining the public officer pending the final disposition of the cause; provided, […]
Nothing in Code Sections 41-2-7 through 41-2-13, this Code section, and Code Sections 41-2-15 through 41-2-17 shall be construed as preventing the owner or owners of any property from receiving just compensation for the taking of such property by the power of eminent domain under the laws of this state nor as permitting any property […]
Any county or municipality is authorized to make such appropriations from its revenues as it may deem necessary and may accept and apply grants or donations to assist it in carrying out the provisions of ordinances adopted in connection with the exercise of the powers granted under this chapter. History. Code 1981, § 41-2-15 , […]
Nothing in Code Sections 41-2-7 through 41-2-15, this Code section, and Code Section 41-2-17 shall be construed to abrogate or impair the powers of the courts or of any department of any county or municipality to enforce any provisions of its local enabling Act, its charter, or its ordinances or regulations nor to prevent or […]
Ordinances relating to the subject matter of Code Sections 41-2-7 through 41-2-16 and this Code section adopted prior to July 1, 2001, shall have the same force and effect on and after said date as ordinances adopted subsequent to and by authority of these Code sections. History. Code 1981, § 41-2-17 , enacted by Ga. […]
Private citizens may not generally interfere to have a public nuisance abated. A complaint must be filed by the district attorney, solicitor-general, city attorney, or county attorney on behalf of the public. However, a public nuisance may be abated upon filing of a complaint by any private citizen specially injured. History. Orig. Code 1863, § […]
A private nuisance may be abated upon filing of a petition by the person injured. History. Orig. Code 1863, § 3999; Code 1868, § 4027; Code 1873, § 4098; Code 1882, § 4098; Civil Code 1895, § 4766; Civil Code 1910, § 5338; Code 1933, § 72-203; Ga. L. 1980, p. 620, § 3.
Where the consequence of a nuisance about to be erected or commenced will be irreparable damage and such consequence is not merely possible but to a reasonable degree certain, an injunction may be issued to restrain the nuisance before it is completed. History. Orig. Code 1863, § 2944; Code 1868, § 2951; Code 1873, § […]
If the existence of a nuisance is complained of in a county or city of this state, the municipal court of the city, if the nuisance complained of is in the city, shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine the question of the existence of such nuisance and, if found to exist, to order its […]
It is found and declared that in the counties and municipalities of this state there is the existence or occupancy of dwellings or other buildings or structures which are unfit for human habitation or for commercial, industrial, or business occupancy or use and not in compliance with the applicable state minimum standard codes as adopted […]
As used in Code Section 41-2-7, this Code section, and Code Sections 41-2-9 through 41-2-17, the term: “Applicable codes” means (A) any optional housing or abatement standard provided in Chapter 2 of Title 8 as adopted by ordinance or operation of law, or other property maintenance standards as adopted by ordinance or operation of law, […]
In addition to any other remedies or enforcement mechanisms available, upon the adoption of an ordinance finding that dwelling, building, or structure conditions of the character described in Code Section 41-2-7 exist within a county or municipality, the governing body of such county or municipality is authorized to adopt ordinances relating to the dwellings, buildings, […]
In addition to any other remedies or enforcement mechanisms available, upon the adoption of an ordinance finding that dwelling, building, or structure conditions of the character described in Code Section 41-2-7 exist within a county or municipality, the governing body of such county or municipality is authorized to adopt ordinances relating to the dwellings, buildings, […]