As used in this chapter, the term: “Board” means the State Board for the Certification of Librarians. “Librarian” means a person with specialized training as identified in this chapter and in the administrative rules and regulations applicable to this chapter and possessing the necessary training and qualifications to plan, organize, communicate, and administer successfully the […]
The State Board for the Certification of Librarians is created, to consist of six persons as follows: Three librarians certified under this chapter, including one public librarian, one special librarian, and one other currently practicing librarian, and one person who shall be a trustee of a public library; A member to be appointed from the […]
The same jurisdiction, duties, powers, and authority which the division director has with reference to other professional licensing boards is conferred upon that director with respect to the board. History. Ga. L. 1937, p. 245, § 5; Ga. L. 2000, p. 1706, § 12.
Any public library serving a political subdivision or subdivisions having a population of over 5,000 according to the United States decennial census of 1970 or any future such census and every library operated by the state or its authority, including libraries of institutions of higher learning, shall not employ in the position of librarian a […]
The board shall have authority to establish grades of certificates for librarians, to prescribe and hold examinations, to require submission of credentials to establish the qualifications of those seeking certificates as librarians, and to issue certificates of librarianship to qualified persons in accordance with such rules and regulations as it may prescribe. History. Ga. L. […]
All applicants for a librarian’s certificate shall file an application with the division director, accompanied by a fee which shall be set by the board. Each certificate issued shall be renewable biennially. Any certified librarian requesting a duplicate certificate shall be charged a fee as shall be set by the board. History. Ga. L. 1937, […]
The board shall be authorized to require persons holding a certificate under this chapter to complete board approved continuing education of not less than ten hours biennially as a condition of certificate renewal. The board shall be authorized to approve programs offered by professional associations, educational institutions, government agencies, and bibliographic utilities, and others as […]