This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Acupuncture Act of Georgia.” History. Code 1981, § 43-34-60 , enacted by Ga. L. 2000, p. 538, § 1; Ga. L. 2009, p. 859, § 1/HB 509. Code Commission notes. Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 2002, Code Section 43-34-60, as enacted by Ga. […]
The General Assembly finds and declares that the practice of acupuncture in Georgia affects the public health, safety, and welfare and that it is necessarily a proper subject of regulation and control. History. Code 1981, § 43-34-61 , enacted by Ga. L. 2000, p. 538, § 1; Ga. L. 2009, p. 859, § 1/HB 509. […]
As used in this article, the term: “Acupuncture” means a form of therapy developed from traditional and modern Oriental concepts for health care that employs Oriental medical techniques, treatment, and adjunctive therapies for the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health and the prevention of disease. “Auricular (ear) detoxification therapy” means the insertion of disposable acupuncture […]
The board, in consultation with the advisory committee, shall have the power and responsibility to: Determine the qualifications and fitness of applicants for licensure and renewal of licensure; Adopt and revise rules consistent with the laws of this state that are necessary to conduct its business, carry out its duties, and administer this article; Examine […]
Each applicant for a license to practice acupuncture shall meet the following requirements: Be at least 21 years of age; Submit a completed application required by the board; Submit any fees required by the board; Be certified in acupuncture by a national certification agency accredited by the National Organization of Competency Assurance and approved by […]
After evaluation of an application and other evidence submitted by an applicant, the board shall notify such applicant that the application and evidence submitted are satisfactory and accepted or unsatisfactory and rejected. If an application is rejected, the notice shall state the reasons for rejection. History. Code 1981, § 43-34-65 , enacted by Ga. L. […]
Any document evidencing licensure issued by the board is the property of the board and must be surrendered on demand. Every person who holds a license issued by the board in accordance with this article and who is engaged in the active practice of acupuncture or the active practice of auricular (ear) detoxification therapy as […]
A license issued under this article shall be renewed biennially if the person holding such license is not in violation of this article at the time of application for renewal and if the application fulfills current requirements of continuing education as established by the board. Each person licensed under this article is responsible for renewing […]
Any person who undergoes acupuncture must consent to such procedure and shall be informed in general terms of the following: That the practice of acupuncture is based upon the Oriental arts and is completely distinct and different from traditional western medicine; That the acupuncturist cannot practice medicine, is not making a medical diagnosis of the […]
The board, in consultation with the advisory committee, may impose any sanction authorized under subsection (b) of Code Section 43-34-8 upon a finding of any conduct specified in subsection (a) of Code Section 43-34-8 or a finding that such conduct involved dividing or agreeing to divide a fee for acupuncture services with any person who […]
The board shall appoint an acupuncture advisory committee. The advisory committee shall include members of the acupuncture profession licensed to practice acupuncture under this article, persons licensed to practice medicine under Article 2 of this chapter who are acupuncturists, and such members as the board in its discretion may determine. Members shall receive no compensation […]
Unless licensed under this article or exempted under subsection (b) of this Code section, no person shall: Practice acupuncture or auricular (ear) detoxification therapy; or Represent himself or herself to be an acupuncturist or auricular (ear) detoxification technician who is licensed under this article. The prohibition in subsection (a) of this Code section does not […]
The titles “Licensed Acupuncturist” (L. Ac.) and “Acupuncturist” may only be used by persons licensed under this article. The title “Auricular Detoxification Technician” (A.D.T.) may only be used by persons licensed to practice auricular (ear) detoxification therapy under this article. Possession of a license to practice as an A.D.T. does not by itself entitle a […]