Each elected or appointed tax receiver before entering on the duties of his office shall take and subscribe to the following oath in addition to the oath required of all civil officers: “I swear that I will truly and faithfully perform the duties of receiver of returns of taxable property, or of persons or things […]
Tax receivers and their sureties are liable on their bonds for all penalties or forfeitures they may incur under the law and for all losses, damages, or expenses the state may sustain by reason of their conduct. An action may be brought on a tax receiver’s bond only when some emergency makes the action necessary. […]
It shall be the duty of the tax receiver to: Receive all tax returns within the time and in the manner prescribed by law; Make out and perfect the three digests plainly, legibly, and neatly in writing and in figures and to deposit the digests properly; Post and maintain a notice showing both the days […]
It shall be unlawful for any tax receiver or tax commissioner to refuse to receive any return of taxes when the return is properly tendered in the presence of a witness and within the time required by law. Any person who violates subsection (a) of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. History. […]
The commissioner shall adopt and furnish to each tax receiver and tax commissioner a sufficient number of forms to enable the tax receiver or tax commissioner to take the returns of the taxpayers of his county. The forms shall be designed so as to make the items contained in the forms correspond as nearly as […]
The commissioner shall adopt by rule, subject to Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act,” an appropriate form or forms for use on a uniform basis throughout the state for the return of tangible personal property. All returns of tangible personal property shall be made pursuant to the form or forms adopted […]
The tax receiver or tax commissioner shall make out three legible county tax digests and when the tax returns have been finally adjusted and fixed as provided by law he shall furnish one copy of the revised and corrected digest to the commissioner, one to the county governing authority, and one to the tax collector. […]
Land and interests in land, together with the returns of personal estates and other interests subject to taxation, shall be returned and set down in the digest in separate columns according to the classification furnished to the tax receivers and tax commissioners by the commissioner in each year, and the aggregate value of the property […]
Each tax receiver and tax commissioner shall accumulate statistical information, in regard to taxpayers, of such nature as they deem to be of benefit to the commissioner. Nothing contained in this Code section shall preclude or prohibit the commissioner from collecting such information as he deems necessary and beneficial in discharging the official duties of […]