The commissioner may issue execution or other legal process against a tax receiver, tax collector, or tax commissioner when or if the tax receiver, tax collector, or tax commissioner: Receives commissions which he is not entitled to receive or retain; Becomes possessed in any other manner of any money belonging to the state; or Incurs […]
If any tax collector or tax commissioner fails to settle his accounts with the commissioner as provided by law, the commissioner shall issue execution against the tax collector or tax commissioner and his sureties for the principal amount, together with interest at the rate of 20 percent per annum on the amount. If upon a […]
All executions and other process against tax collectors, tax receivers, and tax commissioners shall be directed to all and singular the sheriffs of the state and shall be executed by the sheriffs, their lawful deputies, or other officers lawfully in their stead. Executions issued pursuant to subsection (a) of this Code section shall not be […]
Whenever the commissioner issues an execution against any defaulting tax collector or tax commissioner and the sureties on his official bond, as set forth in Code Section 48-5-201, the tax collector, tax commissioner, or any surety on his bond at any time after the issuance of the execution and before a sale thereunder may file […]
The Governor may vacate the commissions of defaulting tax collectors or tax commissioners or of tax receivers failing or refusing to do their duty, to give bond, or to take the oath required by law. In any such event, the vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed for other vacancies. History. Laws 1826, Cobb’s […]
If a tax receiver or tax commissioner fails to have his or her digest completed and deposited by September 1 in each year, unless excused by provisions of law or by the commissioner, such tax receiver or tax commissioner shall forfeit one-tenth of his or her commissions for each week’s delay. If the delay extends […]