It is the purpose and intent of this article to establish a procedure for use by the commissioner to equalize county property tax digests between counties and within counties so as to require county boards of tax assessors to make adjustments in the valuation of property to ensure uniformity and equity. The commissioner shall continue […]
As used in this article, the term: “Assessment bias” means any tendency or trend of assessment ratios, when analyzed by an appropriate statistical method, which reveals assessment progressivity or assessment regressivity. “Assessment progressivity” means any systematic pattern of assessment in which higher value properties are generally assessed at a larger percentage of fair market value […]
The commissioner shall carefully examine the tax digests of the counties filed in his office. Each digest for a county in a digest review year shall be examined for the purpose of determining if the valuations of property for taxation purposes are reasonably uniform and equalized between counties and within counties. For any digest in […]
The commissioner shall by regulation establish the digest evaluation cycles for each of the counties in this state giving weight to the number of taxable parcels in each county, the geographical location of each county, and each such county’s compliance with the provisions of Code Section 48-5-343. The starting date of each county’s digest evaluation […]
The commissioner shall, when a county is in its digest review year, approve the digest of any such county as being reasonably uniform and equalized if the digest meets the following criteria: The average assessment ratio for each class of property within the county shall be as close to the assessments provided for in Code […]
If the commissioner determines that in any one or more of the counties that is in a digest review year the taxable values of property are not reasonably uniform and equalized in accordance with the requirements of subsection (a) of Code Section 48-5-343, he shall conditionally approve the digest and notify the county board of […]
Upon the determination by the commissioner that a county tax digest is in proper form, that the property therein that is under appeal is within the limits of Code Section 48-5-304, and that the digest is accompanied by all documents, statistics, and certifications required by the commissioner, including the number, overall value and percentage of […]
If a county tax digest for its preceding digest review year was conditionally approved and the commissioner conditionally approves the digest for the next subsequent digest review year for the same or substantially the same reasons, the commissioner shall order the payment of the specific penalty as provided in this Code section and the withholding […]
The commissioner, through a hearing officer, shall hear and determine appeals by local governing authorities on issues relating to the conditional approval of the digest by the commissioner including, but not limited to, the issue of the adequacy of the time period allowed to correct the deficiencies that resulted in the digest being conditionally approved. […]
Reserved. Repealed by Ga. L. 1991, p. 728, § 9, effective April 10, 1991. Editor’s notes. This Code section was enacted by Ga. L. 1988, p. 1763, § 1 and amended by Ga. L. 1990, p. 291, § 1.
An appeal to the department shall be effected by a local governing authority by filing with the commissioner a notice of appeal within 30 days after receipt by the local board of tax assessors of the commissioner’s notification of digest conditional approval or disapproval. The notice of appeal shall be accompanied by whatever records, reports, […]
The commissioner or the county governing authority dissatisfied with the decision of the hearing officer on any question of law may appeal to the superior court of the county dissatisfied with the decision. Any appeal to the superior court shall be taken, so far as is applicable, in the manner provided by law for appeals […]
Compliance by any local governing authority with the findings and decision of the hearing officer, or of the court of final review, with respect to any matter concerning the local tax digest shall be considered satisfactory correction of the deficiency involved for the purposes of Code Sections 48-5-345 and 48-5-346. History. Code 1981, § 48-5-349.4 […]
Not later than January 20, 1990, and not later than the twentieth day of January of each year thereafter, the commissioner shall submit to the Senate Finance Committee and to the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives an annual report concerning the implementation of this article. Such report shall contain such statistics […]