The governing authority of each county may levy and collect taxes for educational purposes in such amounts as the county governing authority shall determine. Amounts collected from such levies shall be appropriated to the use of the county board of education and to the educational work directed by the county board of education. History. Ga. […]
Each county board of education shall annually recommend to the county governing authority the rate of levy to be made for taxes for the support and maintenance of education in the county, exclusive of property located in independent school districts, and likewise shall notify the commissioner of the rate of the levy to be made […]
All real and personal property including, but not limited to, franchises belonging to a public utility which is required to make its returns to the commissioner, when the property is within the taxable limits of any school district, shall be subject to taxation by the school district as fully and completely as is the property […]
The tax commissioner or tax collector shall continue to collect unpaid county school taxes and all county school taxes levied pursuant to Article VIII, Section VI, Paragraph I of the Constitution of this state and shall be entitled to a commission of 2 1/2 percent for collecting the taxes. The tax commissioner or tax collector […]
Each municipality authorized by law to maintain an independent school system may support and maintain the public common schools within the independent school system by levy of ad valorem taxes at the rate fixed by law upon all taxable property within the limits of the independent school system. The board of education of the municipality […]