§6E-31 Monuments; reservation of land; relinquishment of private claims. Upon the recommendation of the department, the governor may declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled by the State to be state monuments and may reserve […]
§6E-32 Diamond Head State Monument. (a) There shall be a Diamond Head State Monument as a historical site on Oahu to be administered by the department of land and natural resources, and to consist of: (1) All state owned lands within the state conservation land use district on the slopes of Diamond Head including the […]
§6E-32.5 Mount Olomana state monument. There is established the Mount Olomana state monument as a historic landmark on Oahu to be administered by the department of land and natural resources and to consist of those lands that the department determines to be essential to the preservation of the visual, cultural, and historical aspects and significance […]
§6E-33 REPEALED. L 2015, c 147, §3.
§6E-34 Capitol site. The portion of the “Honolulu Civic Center” adopted by the Honolulu city planning commission on February 23, 1945, as the master plan for the city and county of Honolulu after a public hearing on February 1, 1945, for the executive-legislative center, specifically that area of Honolulu bounded by Richards, Beretania, Punchbowl, and […]
§6E-34.5 REPEALED. L 2021, c 231, §1.
§6E-35 Iolani Palace. (a) The official designation of the palace of the former monarchs of Hawaii shall be Iolani Palace. (b) The official designation of the Friends of Iolani Palace shall be the State of Hawaii Museum of Monarchy History. The qualifying standards and conditions related to the receipt of funds under chapter 42F shall […]
§6E-36 Sand Island. The island on the southwest side of Honolulu Harbor, Oahu, 21 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds north, 157 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds west, city and county of Honolulu, proclaimed Anuenue (also known as Rainbow Island) by memorandum 1969-4 of the governor shall be named Sand Island. The name Sand Island shall […]
§6E-37 National statuary hall; Father Damien. The State of Hawaii exercises its prerogative pursuant to section 2 of “An Act making appropriation for sundry Civil Expenses of the Government for the Year ending the Thirtieth of June eighteen hundred and sixty-five and for other Purposes” (Act of July 2, 1864 of the Thirty-Eighth Congress, Section […]
§6E-38 National statuary hall; King Kamehameha I. King Kamehameha I is selected as one of the two illustrious, deceased persons whose statue shall be furnished by the State of Hawaii for placement in the national statuary hall in the national capitol pursuant to Title 40 United States Code 187. [L 1976, c 104, pt of […]
§6E-38.5 Kohala Historical Sites State Monument. (a) There shall be a Kohala Historical Sites State Monument as an historical site on the island of Hawaii that shall include a cluster of historical sites, including the Mo €˜okini Heiau, the Kamehameha birthsite, the Kukuipahu Heiau, and, upon acquisition by the State, the Mahukona historical sites. The […]
§6E-39 Jurisdiction over World War II memorial. The jurisdiction and control of the World War II memorial, located in the front of the state office building in Honolulu, is vested in the state department of accounting and general services. [L 1976, c 104, pt of §2]
§6E-40 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. The official designation of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum shall be the State of Hawaii Museum of Natural and Cultural History. The qualifying standards and conditions related to the receipt of funds contained in chapter 42F shall not apply to funds received by the State of Hawaii Museum of Natural […]
§6E-41 Cemeteries; removal or redesignation. (a) Any person removing or redesignating any cemetery shall comply with the following requirements: (1) Publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the State, requesting persons having information concerning the cemetery or persons buried in it to report that information to the department; (2) Photograph the cemetery […]
§6E-42 Review of proposed projects. (a) Except as provided in section 6E-42.2, before any agency or officer of the State or its political subdivisions approves any project involving a permit, license, certificate, land use change, subdivision, or other entitlement for use, which may affect historic property, aviation artifacts, or a burial site, the agency or […]
§6E-42.2 Excluded activities for privately-owned single-family detached dwelling units and townhouses. (a) An application for a proposed project on an existing privately-owned single-family detached dwelling unit or townhouse shall be subject to the requirements of section 6E-42 only if the single-family detached dwelling unit or townhouse is over fifty years old and: (1) Is listed […]
§6E-43 Prehistoric and historic burial sites. (a) At any site, other than a known, maintained, actively used cemetery where human skeletal remains are discovered or are known to be buried and appear to be over fifty years old, the remains and their associated burial goods shall not be moved without the department’s approval. (b) All […]
§6E-43.5 Island burial councils; creation; appointment; composition; duties. (a) There are established within the department five island burial councils, one each for Hawai`i, Maui/LÄna`i, Moloka`i, O`ahu, and Kaua`i/Ni`ihau, to implement section 6E-43. Each council shall consist of nine members, except the Moloka`i council, which shall consist of five members. Each council shall consist of no […]
§6E-43.6 Inadvertent discovery of burial sites. (a) In the event human skeletal remains are inadvertently discovered, any activity in the immediate area that could damage the remains or the potential historic site shall cease until the requirements of subsections (b) to (d) have been met. (b) The discovery shall be reported as soon as possible […]
§6E-44 Veterans memorial commission. There is established a commission whose function is to plan and select works of art for memorials to the veterans of the Korean and Vietnam conflicts as well as to select a site for the memorials. The commission shall be composed of nine members appointed by the governor, and shall include […]