Note Part heading repealed by L 2020, c 14, §6. Part heading added by revisor pursuant to §23G-15. §141-1 Duties in general. The department of agriculture shall: (1) Gather, compile, and tabulate, from time to time, information and statistics concerning: (A) Entomology and plant pathology: Insects, scales, blights, and diseases injurious or liable to become […]
§141-10 REPEALED. L Sp 2021, c 9, §8.
§141-11 REPEALED. L 2021, c 175, §3.
§141-12 Agricultural food safety certification program. (a) There is established within the department of agriculture an agricultural food safety certification program. The program shall: (1) Develop and implement a certification system that shall at a minimum comply with the requirements of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act; (2) Support the agricultural industry and assist farmers […]
§141-12.5 Grant program; food safety certification costs. (a) There is established in the department of agriculture a grant program to assist farmers and ranchers in meeting the costs, including audit costs and other expenses, of complying with the federal Food Safety Modernization Act, United States Food and Drug Administration regulations, and state food safety laws. […]
§141-13 Hawaii healthy food incentive program; rules. (a) There is established a Hawaii healthy food incentive program for beneficiaries of the supplemental nutrition assistance program, to be developed and administered by the department of agriculture. (b) Participants in the Hawaii healthy food incentive program who are beneficiaries of the supplemental nutrition assistance program shall receive […]
§141-14 Industrial hemp special fund; established. (a) There is created in the state treasury a special fund to be designated as the industrial hemp special fund to be administered by the department of agriculture. Moneys deposited in this special fund shall be used to fulfill the purposes of this part and shall include: (1) Any […]
§141-2 Rules. Subject to chapter 91, the department of agriculture shall adopt, amend, and repeal rules not inconsistent with law, for and concerning: (1) The introduction, transportation, and propagation of trees, shrubs, herbs, and other plants; (2) The quarantine, inspection, fumigation, disinfection, destruction, or exclusion, either upon introduction into the State, or at any time […]
§141-2.5 Aquaculture program. (a) There is established within the department an aquaculture program that shall: (1) Maintain cognizance of actions taken by industry and by federal, state, county, and private agencies in activities relating to aquaculture, and promote and support worthwhile aquaculture activities; (2) Serve as an information clearinghouse for aquaculture activities; (3) Coordinate development […]
§141-2.6 Fees for aquaculture services. The department of agriculture may establish and assess fees pursuant to chapter 91 for: (1) Aquatic animal and plant health diagnostic services; and (2) Any items or expert services purchased from the department related to aquaculture planning, disease management, and the marketing of seafood products; provided that the assessment of […]
§141-2.7 Aquaculture development special fund. (a) There is established in the state treasury the aquaculture development special fund into which shall be deposited: (1) Appropriations from the legislature; (2) Moneys collected as fees for special microbiological and histological procedures and expert aquaculture-related services; (3) Moneys collected from the sale of any item related to aquaculture […]
§141-3 Designation of pests; control or eradication of pests; emergency power. (a) The department of agriculture shall designate the coqui frog as a pest. All other pest designations shall be established by rule, including the criteria and procedures for the designation of pests for control or eradication. (b) The department of agriculture shall, so far […]
§141-3.5 Control or eradication programs. (a) The department of agriculture shall develop and implement a detailed control or eradication program for any pest designated in section 141-3, using the best available technology in a manner consistent with state and federal law. (b) For any pest designated by emergency rule as provided in section 141-3, the […]
§141-3.6 Entry of private property to control or eradicate any pests. (a) The department of agriculture or applicable county shall give at least five days notice to the landowner and the occupier of any private property of its intention to enter the property for the control or eradication of a pest. Written notice sent to […]
§141-4 Weights of coffee; rules. The department of agriculture may make rules respecting the weighing of coffee prior to its shipment to points outside the State, and providing for the certification of weights thereof. Further, a reasonable schedule of fees to defray the expense of administering this section shall be established by the department, which […]
§141-5 Charges for inspection, etc. The department of agriculture, with the approval of the governor, shall adopt a reasonable scale of charges, which may be changed from time to time, for the inspection, disinfection, fumigation, and quarantine that is authorized, required, or permitted by this chapter or chapter 142, 150, or 150A. Certificates and permits […]
§141-6 Appeal from inspector’s decision. Any person who feels aggrieved at any decision of any inspector of the department of agriculture shall have the right to appeal from the decision to the board of agriculture. The board shall give a prompt hearing to the appellant and the inspector upon the appeal, and decide the question […]
§141-7 General penalty. (a) Any person violating any of the provisions of chapters 141, 142, or 144 to 149A, for which violation a penalty is not otherwise provided, or violating any rule of the department of agriculture, or any master of any vessel which brings into the State any article which the department at any […]
§141-8 Crop damage; civil liability. (a) Any person who wilfully or knowingly damages or destroys any crop, including silvicultural crops or agricultural commodities as defined in section 145-21, that is known by the person to be intended for personal or commercial purposes, or for research and development purposes by any private or public research facility, […]
§141-9 Energy feedstock program. (a) There is established within the department of agriculture an energy feedstock program that shall: (1) Maintain cognizance of actions taken by industry and by federal, state, county, and private agencies in activities relating to the production of energy feedstock, and promote and support worthwhile energy feedstock production activities in the […]