§142-1 Information and statistics. The department of agriculture shall gather, compile, and tabulate, from time to time information and statistics concerning domestic animals in the State, their protection and use, inquire into and report upon the causes of contagious, infectious and communicable diseases among them, and the means for the prevention, suppression, and cure of […]
§142-10 Importing prohibited, when. The governor, notwithstanding anything in this chapter, may, from time to time by proclamation declaring any port or country to be infected, absolutely prohibit the introduction of any animals therefrom until the restriction is removed. [L 1882, c 34, §6; RL 1925, §616; RL 1935, §211; RL 1945, §1061; RL 1955, […]
§142-11 Forfeiture of animals, etc. All animals, fodder, fittings, or effects landed contrary to this chapter or taken or removed from quarantine before being duly discharged, shall be forfeited to the use of the State. All animals brought into quarantine grounds or placed with any animals under quarantine or placed into provisional quarantine, shall be […]
§142-12 Penalties. (a) Any person violating any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted pursuant thereto, for which action a penalty is not otherwise provided, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as follows: (1) For the first conviction, by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by […]
§142-13 Reporting disease; penalty. Any person knowing or having reason to believe that any animal on or about that person’s premises or the premises of another is affected with any infectious or contagious disease who fails to promptly report the same to the department of agriculture, shall be fined not less than $25 nor more […]
§142-14 Sale of diseased animals; penalty. Any person who sells or offers for sale, or uses, or exposes, or who causes or procures to be sold, or offered for sale, or used, or to be exposed, any horse or any other animal having the disease known as glanders, or farcy, or any other contagious or […]
§142-15 REPEALED. L 1986, c 269, §1.
§142-16 Dairy and breeding cattle; tuberculin tests. All dairy and breeding cattle within the State shall be tuberculin tested by the department of agriculture as often as in its judgment such testing is necessary in order to prevent, suppress, and eradicate bovine tuberculosis. All cattle so tested shall be marked by the department with some […]
§142-17 Branding of tuberculous cattle. All cattle found to be tuberculous either upon physical examination or by means of the tuberculin test shall be branded upon the left cheek with the registered brand “T”. [L 1923, c 124, §2; RL 1925, §627; am L Sp 1932 2d, c 39, §2; RL 1935, §223; RL 1945, […]
§142-18 Disposal of tuberculous animals. The owner of all cattle reacting to the tuberculin test shall, subject to section 142-16, cause them to be segregated immediately and, within a reasonable time thereafter, to be delivered for slaughter at such time and place as may be designated by the department of agriculture. The slaughter shall be […]
§142-19 Indemnification for tuberculous animals. For any animal slaughtered, under section 142-18, the owner shall be paid one-third the difference between the appraised value of each animal so destroyed and the value of the salvage thereof; provided that in no case shall the payment exceed $25 per head; except when no lesions are found, when […]
§142-2 Rules. Subject to chapter 91 the department of agriculture may make and amend rules for the inspection, quarantine, disinfection, or destruction, either upon introduction into the State or at any time or place within the State, of animals and the premises and effects used in connection with the animals. Included therein may be rules […]
§142-20 Premises from which tuberculous cattle removed to be disinfected. Any premises upon which have been kept animals affected with tuberculosis shall be disinfected promptly after the removal of the animals and in a manner satisfactory to the department of agriculture and at the expense of the owner. [L 1923, c 124, §5; RL 1925, […]
§142-21 Cooperation with federal authorities. The department of agriculture may cooperate with the United States Department of Agriculture in its efforts to eradicate bovine tuberculosis or any other transmissible disease of animals, and may make appraisals of condemned animals and report on the salvage derived from the sale of the animals in conformity with the […]
§142-22 Anaplasmosis; indemnity for slaughtered cattle. The department of agriculture may pay indemnities to owners of cattle sent to slaughter as reactors to the anaplasmosis test. The payment shall be in the amount of one-third of the difference between the appraised value of each animal slaughtered and the value of the salvage value thereof to […]
§142-23 Brucellosis testing; indemnity for slaughtered cattle. The department of agriculture may institute and conduct a brucellosis testing program. The department may pay indemnities to owners of cattle sent to slaughter as reactors to the brucellosis test. The payment shall be in the amount of one-third of the difference between the appraised value of each […]
§142-23.1 Hog cholera eradication; indemnity. When swine are destroyed by the state veterinarian as being infected with hog cholera, or when noninfected swine are ordered destroyed to depopulate an infected herd in accordance with procedures adopted in the national hog cholera eradication program, the department of agriculture may indemnify the owners of such swine; provided […]
§142-23.5 Garbage feeding prohibited; penalty. (a) The feeding of garbage to swine is prohibited, unless: (1) A permit to process (cook) garbage for such use is obtained from the department of agriculture’s division of animal industry; and (2) The garbage has been processed (cooked) under conditions and procedures established by departmental rules. (b) Any person […]
§ §142-24 to 27 REPEALED. L 1993, c 280, §8.
§142-28 REPEALED. L 1998, c 210, §2.