US Lawyer Database

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11-11 Registration.

§11-11 Registration. A person who registers as required by law shall be entitled to vote at any election provided that the person shall have attained the age of eighteen at the time of that election. The county clerk shall be responsible for voter registration in the respective counties and the keeping of the general register […]

11-12 Age; place of registering.

§11-12 Age; place of registering. (a) Every person who has reached the age of eighteen years or who is seventeen years of age and will be eighteen years of age by the date of the next election, and is otherwise qualified to register may do so for that election. The person shall then be listed […]

11-13 Rules for determining residency.

§11-13 Rules for determining residency. For the purpose of this title, there can be only one residence for an individual, but in determining residency, a person may treat oneself separate from the person’s spouse. The following rules shall determine residency for election purposes only: (1) The residence of a person is that place in which […]

11-14 General county register; restrictions in use.

§11-14 General county register; restrictions in use. (a) The clerk of each county shall register all the voters in the clerk’s county in the general county register. The register shall contain the name and address of each voter unless the voter’s address is deemed confidential pursuant to section 11-14.5. Additional information required by section 11-15 […]

11-14.5 Residence address; confidentiality.

§11-14.5 Residence address; confidentiality. (a) If a life threatening circumstance exists to: (1) A law enforcement person; (2) The law enforcement person’s family; or (3) Persons otherwise determined by the clerk of the county in which the person is registered, that person may apply to the county clerk in writing to keep confidential the information […]

11-15 Application to register.

§11-15 Application to register. (a) Any person qualified to and desiring to register as a voter in any county shall make and subscribe to an application in the form of an affidavit. The affidavit shall contain the following information: (1) Name; (2) The applicant’s Hawaii driver’s license number or Hawaii state identification card number; provided […]

11-15.2 Same day in-person registration. (a) Notwithstanding the closing of the general county register pursuant to section 11-24, a person who is not registered to vote may register by appearing in person at any voter service center on or before election day or register electronically pursuant to section 11-15.3. (b) The clerk shall designate a registration clerk at each voter service center who shall process applications for any person who submits a signed affidavit in accordance with section 11-15, which shall include a sworn affirmation: (1) Of the person’s qualification to vote; (2) Acknowledging that the person has not voted and will not attempt to vote again in that election, and has not cast and will not cast any absentee ballot pursuant to chapter 15 in that election; and (3) Acknowledging that providing false information may result in a class C felony, punishable by a fine not exceeding $10,000 or imprisonment not exceeding five years, or both. (c) The registration clerk may accept, as prima facie evidence, the allegation of the person in the application regarding the person’s residence in accordance with section 11-15(b), unless the allegation is contested by a qualified voter. The registration clerk may demand that the person furnish substantiating evidence to the other allegations of the person’s application in accordance with section 11-15(b). If additional time or information is required to validate an application, the applicant shall be provided a provisional ballot. [L 2014, c 166, §1; am L 2019, c 136, §6; am L 2021, c 213, §6]

§11-15.2 Same day in-person registration. (a) Notwithstanding the closing of the general county register pursuant to section 11-24, a person who is not registered to vote may register by appearing in person at any voter service center on or before election day or register electronically pursuant to section 11-15.3. (b) The clerk shall designate a […]

11-15.3 Application to register electronically.

§11-15.3 Application to register electronically. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the clerk of each county may permit a person who has valid government-issued identification that is capable of electronic confirmation to submit an application to register to vote electronically in lieu of a traditional signed application by mail or in person. (b) The […]

11-15.5 Duties of all state agencies; voter registration.

§11-15.5 Duties of all state agencies; voter registration. Each state agency that deals with the public shall make available to each member of the public eighteen years of age or older an application in the form of an affidavit for voter registration pursuant to section 11-15. The application shall be available by mail or in […]

11-15.7 Automatic registration.

§11-15.7 Automatic registration. (a) An application for voter registration shall be a part of the application for issuance of an identification card under section 286-303 and the application for issuance of a driver’s license under section 286-111. Applications for an identification card or driver’s license shall not be processed until the applicant completes the portion […]

11-16 Application when not made in person.

§11-16 Application when not made in person. (a) Any qualified person unable for any cause to appear in person before the clerk for registration may register to vote by mail, not later than thirty days prior to a primary or general election, through the affidavit on application for voter registration or other form prescribed by […]

11-17 Removal of names from register, when; reregistration.

§11-17 Removal of names from register, when; reregistration. (a) The clerk, after every general election, shall remove the names of registered voters who were identified as having an outdated or undeliverable address who did not vote in all elections held during the two previous federal election cycles with the exception of anyone who preregistered pursuant […]

11-18 Transfer of registration on removal from one precinct to another in same county.

§11-18 Transfer of registration on removal from one precinct to another in same county. A registered voter who changes residence from one precinct to another prior to any election shall notify the clerk and change the registration to the proper precinct by the appropriate registration deadline; provided that no change of registration shall be allowed […]

11-19 Registration from one county to another.

§11-19 Registration from one county to another. Whenever a registered voter changes residence from one county to another, the person shall notify the clerk and change the registration to the proper county by the appropriate registration deadline; provided that no change of registration shall be allowed after the close of registration for an election except […]

11-20 Transfers; name changes; initiated by clerk.

§11-20 Transfers; name changes; initiated by clerk. (a) The clerks shall use all reliable and pertinent information to keep the general register up to date. The county clerks may request information from, but are not limited to, the following sources: (1) The office of the lieutenant governor for any change of name; (2) Courts for […]

11-21 Change of name, transfer on election day.

§11-21 Change of name, transfer on election day. (a) The clerk may designate a registration clerk, who may be an election official, at a voter service center in the county on the day of the election. (b) These registration clerks shall take applications for change of name from voters who have been married or who […]

11-22 Changing register; correction of errors.

§11-22 Changing register; correction of errors. (a) The clerk shall correct the register if at any time it shall be manifest to the clerk that the name of a person registered has been accidentally misspelled, or that the person has been misnamed therein, or that the person has been accidentally registered under the wrong precinct, […]

11-23 Changing register; striking names of disqualified voters.

§11-23 Changing register; striking names of disqualified voters. Whenever the clerk receives from the department of health or any informing agency, information of the death, loss of voting rights of a person sentenced for a felony as provided in section 831-2, adjudication as an incapacitated person under the provisions of chapter 560, loss of citizenship, […]

11-24 Closing register.

§11-24 Closing register. (a) At 4:30 p.m. on the tenth day before each election, but if the day is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday then at 4:30 p.m. on the first working day immediately thereafter, the general county register shall be closed to registration for persons seeking to vote and remain closed to registration until […]