§12-1 Application of chapter. All candidates for elective office, except as provided in section 14-21, shall be nominated in accordance with this chapter and not otherwise. [L 1970, c 26, pt of §2] Law Journals and Reviews The Protection of Individual Rights Under Hawai €˜i’s Constitution. 14 UH L. Rev. 311.
§12-1.5 REPEALED. L 1980, c 139, §1.
§12-2 Primary held when; candidates only those nominated. The primary shall be held on the second Saturday of August in every even numbered year. No person shall be a candidate for any general or special general election unless the person has been nominated in the immediately preceding primary or special primary. [L 1970, c 26, […]
§12-2.5 Nomination papers; when available. [Repeal and reenactment on November 9, 2022. L 2021, c 14, §9(2).] Nomination papers shall be made available from the first working day of March in every even-numbered year; provided that in the case of a special primary or special election, nomination papers shall be made available at least ten […]
§12-3 Nomination paper; format; limitations. (a) No candidate’s name shall be printed upon any official ballot to be used at any primary, special primary, or special election unless a nomination paper was filed on the candidate’s behalf and in the name by which the candidate is commonly known. The nomination paper shall be in a […]
§12-4 Nomination papers; qualifications of signers. (a) No person shall sign the nomination papers of more than one candidate, partisan or nonpartisan, for the same office, unless there is more than one office in a class in which case no person shall sign papers for more than the actual number of offices in a class. […]
§12-5 Nomination papers: number of signers. (a) Nomination papers for candidates for members of Congress, governor, and lieutenant governor shall be signed by not less than twenty-five registered voters of the State or of the Congressional district from which the candidates are running in the case of candidates for the United States House of Representatives. […]
§12-6 Nomination papers: time for filing; fees. (a) For members of Congress, state offices, county offices, and the board of trustees for the office of Hawaiian affairs, nomination papers shall be filed with the chief election officer, or clerk in case of county offices, not later than 4:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday in June. […]
§12-7 Filing of oath. The name of no candidate for any office shall be printed upon any official ballot, in any election, unless the candidate shall have taken and subscribed to the following written oath or affirmation, and filed the oath with the candidate’s nomination papers. The written oath or affirmation shall be in the […]
§12-8 Nomination papers; challenge; evidentiary hearings and decisions. (a) All nomination papers filed in conformity with section 12-3 shall be deemed valid unless objection is made thereto by a registered voter, an officer of a political party whose name is on file with the chief election officer, the chief election officer, or the county clerk […]
§12-9 List of candidates. As soon as possible but not later than 4:30 p.m. on the fifth day after the close of filing the chief election officer shall transmit to each county clerk and the county clerk shall transmit to the chief election officer certified lists containing the names of all persons, the office for […]