Note Part heading added by L 2007, c 93, §8. Part heading amended by L 2017, c 102, §3. Revision Note Enacted as Part III, this Part was renumbered as Part II pursuant to §23G-15. §349-15 Coordination and development of caregiver support services. The executive office on aging shall coordinate a statewide system of caregiver […]
§349-16 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires a different meaning, when used in this part: “Activities of daily living” means the following activities that individuals perform as a part of daily living: eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, transferring in and out of a bed or chair, and walking. “Adult day care” means personal care for dependent […]
§349-17 Kupuna care program. (a) The executive office on aging may establish the kupuna care program. The program shall provide long-term services and supports to address the needs of Hawaii’s older adults and their desire to remain in their own homes and communities as they age. (b) The program shall be coordinated and administered by […]
§349-18 Kupuna caregivers program. (a) The executive office on aging may establish the kupuna caregivers program. The program shall provide assistance to a qualified caregiver who meets the requirements of this section. (b) The program shall be coordinated and administered by the executive office on aging and implemented through the area agency on aging. The […]