§352D-1 Finding and purpose. The legislature finds that: (1) The State of Hawaii has the responsibility to provide its youth a fair and full opportunity to reach their full potential and become law-abiding citizens of our community by providing and encouraging services, which will strengthen their physical, emotional, social, educational, and moral development; (2) There […]
§352D-10 Regional directors; powers, duties, and authority. The executive director shall appoint a regional director in each county. Each regional director shall be exempt from chapter 76, and shall answer to the executive director. The regional director shall: (1) Oversee the youth services centers located in the director’s region; (2) Assist the executive director in […]
§352D-11 Youth commission. (a) There is established within the office of youth services, for administrative purposes only, a youth commission to advise the governor and legislature on the effects of legislative policies, needs, assessments, priorities, programs, and budgets concerning the youth of the State. (b) The commission shall: (1) Respond to requests for comment and […]
§352D-2 Policy for youth. A policy for youth is established for the State as follows: (1) It shall be the policy of this State to concentrate on the prevention of delinquency as an important strategy which can be planned and implemented on behalf of youth and their families. The State shall encourage community involvement in […]
§352D-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter: “Executive director” means the executive director of the office of youth services. “Office” means the office of youth services. “Young adult at risk” or “young adult” means any adult between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four who has been arrested, who has had contact with the police, who […]
§352D-4 Establishment; purpose. There is established within the department of human services for administrative purposes only the office of youth services. The office of youth services is established to provide services and programs for youth at risk under one umbrella agency in order to facilitate optimum service delivery, to prevent delinquency, and to reduce the […]
§352D-4.3 Criminal history record checks. (a) Employees, prospective employees, and volunteers of contracted providers or subcontractors in positions that place them in close proximity to youth when providing services on behalf of the office shall be required to agree to criminal history record checks conducted by the office or its designee in accordance with section […]
§352D-4.5 Substance abuse treatment monitoring program. (a) To determine the effectiveness of substance abuse treatment services and maintain accurate numbers of individuals receiving publicly funded substance abuse treatment, the office shall comply with the requirements of the statewide substance abuse treatment monitoring program established by the department of health under section 321-192.5. The office shall […]
§352D-5 Appointment of director; powers and duties. (a) The office of youth services shall be headed by an executive director who shall be appointed by the governor without regard to chapter 76. The executive director may appoint such other staff as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the office of youth services. […]
§352D-6 Organizational structure. The office of youth services shall be composed of such divisions and sections as are deemed necessary by the director to: (1) Provide diagnostic evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation services for all youths referred to services provided by the office or placed in the office’s custody by the family court; (2) Provide supervision […]
§352D-7 Youth services centers; creation. (a) Beginning July 1, 1991, the office of youth services shall create, develop, and operate youth service centers throughout the State, including one or more in each county and including the Kawailoa youth and family wellness center created pursuant to section 352D-7.5. This may be done either directly or by […]
§352D-7.5 Kawailoa youth and family wellness center; creation. (a) The office of youth services may create and develop a central youth service center known as the Kawailoa youth and family wellness center at the site of the Hawaii youth correctional facilities. The office of youth services may grant to the Hawaii youth correctional facilities the […]
§352D-8 REPEALED. L 1996, c 13, §19.
§352D-9 Office of youth services regional advisory boards; power, duties, and authority. (a) There shall be established a regional advisory board located in each county and they shall be called the Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, and Oahu regional advisory boards, respectively. The office shall provide staff support for each board. Each board shall elect annually from […]