§40-51 Money drawn only on warrants. Excepting moneys paid for the redemption of bonds of the state debt, and the interest coupons of the same, and for interest on overdue warrants, and drafts against special deposits and for the expenses of the legislature and the judiciary, and payment authorized by the comptroller by means of […]
§40-51.5 Checks or electronic funds transfers in lieu of warrants. With reference to warrants addressed under this part, the comptroller may, with the approval of the director of finance, issue checks drawn from, or make electronic funds transfers from, depositories of state treasury moneys in lieu of warrants drawn from the state treasury. Electronic funds […]
§40-51.6 Electronic funds transfers in lieu of checks. Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, every public accountant who receives revenues or other moneys on account for the State and is authorized to accept remittances by check, draft, or similar paper instrument may accept the remittances by electronic funds transfer or credit or debit card […]
§40-52 Form of treasury warrant. No……. Treasury Warrant. Honolulu, Hawaii, …… 19…. The Director of Finance, State of Hawaii. Pay to the order of……………………………….. for and charge same to…………………………………. ……………………………………………………. Comptroller, State of Hawaii [L 1898, c 39, sch B; RL 1925, §1467; am L 1927, c 219, §13; RL 1935, §594; RL 1945, §1598; […]
§40-53 Salary and pension payments. (a) All payments for permanent settlements, specific and all other salaries, shall be drawn by the comptroller, payable to each individual to whom the State is directly indebted, except as provided for in section 40-58. No permanent settlements nor salary checks shall be paid by the director of finance until […]
§40-54 Payroll deductions authorized. The comptroller of the State and the auditors of its political subdivisions shall, if so requested in writing by any employee or officer of the State or of any county, deduct from the compensation to the employee or officer for the employee’s or officer’s state or county employment membership dues, group […]
§40-54.5 Disclosure of information. (a) The appropriate government agencies shall disclose to the recipient of payroll deductions information related to the administration of payroll deductions as follows: name, social security number, and amounts and dates of both voluntary and mandatory payroll deductions remitted to the recipient. (b) An employee organization or other recipient receiving government […]
§40-55 Warrants for certain mechanics and laborers. Warrants for payrolls of mechanics or laborers, or others temporarily employed, may be drawn in advance and before the wages as shown by the payrolls have been receipted for by the mechanics, laborers, and others, but in every case the payrolls shall have indorsed thereon the approval of […]
§40-56 Warrants for supplies, incidentals. Warrants for bills of materials, supplies, and incidentals of every kind and character, shall be made payable to the order of each individual person to whom the State is indebted, except as provided in section 40-58, and only after an original warrant voucher shall have been presented to the comptroller […]
§40-57 Warrants on account of contracts. All warrants for bills on account of state contracts shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom the State is directly indebted, except as provided in section 40-58, and only after an original warrant voucher shall have been presented to the comptroller accompanied by all […]
§40-57.5 Comptroller’s acceptance of vouchers for the Hawaii state medicaid program. The requirements of section 40-56 and section 40-57 to the contrary notwithstanding, the comptroller may, if satisfied as to the adequacy of related internal controls and audit trails, issue warrants for original warrant vouchers without accompanying original bills for payments to vendors of the […]
§40-57.6 Duplicate bills accompanying vouchers. Notwithstanding the requirement in sections 40-56 and 40-57 that an original warrant voucher be accompanied by all original bills, original warrant vouchers of any expending agency which fully utilizes the encumbrance segment of the comptroller’s accounting system referred to in section 40-2 for obligations incurred for the purchase of materials, […]
§40-58 In favor of assignees. No assignment of moneys by a person to whom the State is directly indebted shall be effective unless the assignment is first approved by the comptroller or, in the case of the University of Hawaii and the department of education, by their respective chief financial officers. The comptroller or the […]
§40-59 Comptroller to keep list of salaries, contracts, bids, etc. The comptroller shall keep in the comptroller’s office in a convenient form for easy reference a correct list of all state permanent settlements, specific salaries, payrolls, subsidies, rents, contracts, and all bids for materials and supplies; and in auditing all bills for service rendered or […]
§40-60 Vouchers required; procedure if not obtainable. The comptroller shall not recognize any claim of whatsoever nature unless an original warrant voucher is presented for the same. No warrant shall be issued in payment for any claim except upon proper indorsement of the warrant voucher, notwithstanding any allegation of papers having been lost or destroyed, […]
§40-61 Procedure when voucher defective. When an original warrant voucher produced for a claim is defective from the want of any certificate or other document which ought to have accompanied it, the comptroller may, upon proof being made to the comptroller’s satisfaction that the public accountant did not wilfully neglect to procure the certificate, or […]
§40-62 Payment of warrants. Every lawful demand upon the treasury, duly audited as in this chapter provided, shall in all cases be paid by the director of finance on the date authorized and enfaced thereon or as soon thereafter as presented if there are sufficient funds at that time in the treasury applicable to the […]
§40-63 Director’s warrant notes. If there are not sufficient moneys applicable to the payment of the demands, the director of finance shall issue, in lieu thereof, a director’s warrant note or notes, equal in amount to the face value of the warrant or warrants so presented for payment, note to be substantially in the following […]
§40-64 Interest designated on warrant note. When the director of finance pays any note upon which interest is due, the director shall designate on the warrant note the amount of interest paid thereon, and enter on the director’s account the amount of the interest distinct from the principal. [L 1927, c 219, §10; RL 1935, […]
§40-65 Notice of payment of warrant notes. When there are sufficient moneys in the treasury to pay warrant notes, the director of finance shall give public notice for one week stating therein that the warrant notes whose numbers appear in the notice are payable, and that interest shall cease upon all the called warrant notes […]