33-2720. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. (1) The board of trustees of each library district shall have the following powers and duties consistent with the laws of the state of Idaho: (a) To establish bylaws for its own government; (b) To establish policies for the administration, operation and use of the library […]
33-2721. LIBRARY DIRECTOR — DIRECTOR TEAM — EMPLOYEES. (1) Except for an administrative only district, the board of trustees of each library district shall appoint a library director or director team who shall administer the library district. The director or one (1) member of the director team assigned by the board shall serve as the […]
33-2722. TREASURER — CLERK. The board of trustees of each library district shall appoint some qualified person, who may or may not be a member of the board of trustees, to act as treasurer of the library district. This person shall, on taking office, give bond to the library district, with sureties approved by the […]
33-2724. TAXES FOR THE SUPPORT OF LIBRARY DISTRICT — TAX ANTICIPATION LOANS — CARRY OVER AUTHORITY — CAPITAL ASSETS REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR FUND. (1) Any tax levied for library district purposes shall be a lien upon the property against which the tax is levied. The board of trustees shall determine and levy a tax upon […]
33-2725. LIBRARY DISTRICT BUDGET — PUBLIC HEARING — NOTICE — ADJUSTMENTS. The board of trustees of each library district shall prepare for the ensuing fiscal year a budget and prior to its adoption shall have called and caused to be held a public hearing thereon at a regular or special meeting. Notice of the time […]
33-2726. FISCAL YEAR — ANNUAL REPORTS — AUDIT. The fiscal year of each library district shall commence on the first day of October of each year. The board of trustees of each library district shall annually, not later than the first day of January, file with the board of library commissioners a report of the […]
33-2727. CONTRACTS — JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTS — PARTICIPATION IN NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS. (1) In lieu of, or in addition to, establishing an independent library, the board of trustees may purchase specified library services by contract from any taxing unit, or public or private agency maintaining a library. Contracts for services shall contain provisions on annual budget […]
33-2728. BOND ELECTION. (1) The purposes for which bonds may be issued shall be: To acquire, purchase, or improve a library site or sites; to build a library or libraries, or other building or buildings; to demolish or remove buildings; to add to, remodel or repair any existing building; to furnish and equip any building […]
33-2729. PLANT FACILITIES RESERVE FUND AND LEVY. The library district board of trustees is authorized to create a plant facilities reserve fund as set forth in sections 33-804 and 33-901, Idaho Code. District library facilities plant facilities reserve funds may not be used to purchase or expand a building for a contracting agency providing library […]
33-2737. SCHOOL-COMMUNITY LIBRARY DISTRICTS. (a) The board of trustees of any school district in which is situated no incorporated city having a population in excess of one thousand (1,000), and in which no public library is maintained under any other provision of law, shall, upon petition of twenty (20) or more school district electors, submit […]
33-2738. SCHOOL-COMMUNITY LIBRARY DISTRICTS — BOARD OF TRUSTEES — TRUSTEE ZONES. Each school-community library district shall be governed by a board of trustees of five (5) members, who at the time of their selection and during their terms of office shall be qualified electors of the district. (1) Four (4) of the trustees shall be […]
33-2739. SCHOOL-COMMUNITY LIBRARY DISTRICTS — BOARD OF TRUSTEES — POWERS AND DUTIES — FISCAL YEAR. (1) The board of trustees of the school-community library district shall perform the duties required of, and have the power and authority granted to library district trustees pursuant to this chapter, including the authority to levy upon the taxable property […]
33-2740. SCHOOL-COMMUNITY LIBRARY DISTRICTS — CONSOLIDATION — REORGANIZATION INTO LIBRARY DISTRICTS. School-community library districts may join existing library districts according to the procedures set forth in section 33-2711, Idaho Code. School-community library districts may reorganize into a library district as follows. The board of trustees of the school-community library district shall present a resolution calling […]
33-2741. PUBLIC LIBRARY — INTERNET USE POLICY REQUIRED. (1) Public libraries receiving public moneys and governed by the provisions of chapters 26 and 27, title 33, Idaho Code, that offer use of the internet or an online service to the public: (a) (i) Shall have in place a policy of internet safety for minors including […]