34-101. "GENERAL ELECTION" DEFINED — OFFICES TO BE FILLED — CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. "General election" means the national, state and county election held on the first Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November in each even-numbered year. At these elections there shall be chosen all congressional, state and county officers, including electors of president and vice-president […]
34-102. "PRIMARY ELECTION" DEFINED — PURPOSES. (1) "Primary election" means an election held for the purpose of nominating persons as candidates of political parties for election to offices, and for the purpose of electing persons as members of the controlling committees of political parties. Primary elections, with the exception of presidential primaries, shall be held […]
34-103. "SPECIAL ELECTION" DEFINED. "Special election" means any election other than a general or primary election held at any time for any purpose provided by law. History: [34-103, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 3, p. 351; am. 1971, ch. 194, sec. 3, p. 881.]
34-104. "QUALIFIED ELECTOR" DEFINED. "Qualified elector" means any person who is eighteen (18) years of age, is a United States citizen and who has resided in this state and in the county at least thirty (30) days next preceding the election at which he desires to vote, and who is registered as required by law. […]
34-105. "REGISTERED ELECTOR" DEFINED. "Registered elector", for the purpose of this act, means any "qualified elector". History: [34-105, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 5, p. 351; am. 1971, ch. 194, sec. 5, p. 881.]
34-106. LIMITATION UPON ELECTIONS. On and after January 1, 2011, notwithstanding any other provisions of the law to the contrary, there shall be no more than two (2) elections conducted in any county in any calendar year, except as provided in this section or section 34-219 [34-220], Idaho Code, and except that elections to fill […]
34-107. "RESIDENCE" DEFINED. (1) "Residence," for voting purposes, shall be the principal or primary home or place of abode of a person. Principal or primary home or place of abode is that home or place in which his habitation is fixed and to which a person, whenever he is absent, has the present intention of […]
34-108. "ELECTION OFFICIAL" DEFINED. "Election official" means the secretary of state, any county clerk, registrar, judge of election, clerk of election, canvassing board or board of county commissioners engaged in the performance of election duties as required by law. History: [34-108, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 8, p. 351; am. 1971, ch. 194, sec. 8, […]
34-109. "POLITICAL PARTY" DEFINED. "Political party" means an affiliation of electors representing a political group under a given name as authorized by law. History: [34-109, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 9, p. 351.]
34-110. "ELECTION REGISTER" DEFINED. "Election register" means the voter registration cards of all electors who are qualified to appear and vote at the designated polling places. History: [34-110, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 10, p. 351.]
34-111. "COMBINATION ELECTION RECORD AND POLL BOOK" DEFINED — OPERATION. (1) "Combination election record and poll book" means the book containing a listing of registered electors who are qualified to appear and vote at the designated polling places. An additional copy of the combination election record and poll book may be maintained to record that […]
34-111A. "ELECTRONIC POLL BOOK" DEFINED. "Electronic poll book" means an electronic list of registered voters for a particular precinct or polling location that may be transported to the polling location. The electronic poll book shall contain the same information as the combination election record and poll book as defined in this chapter. History: [34-111A, added […]
34-112. "COUNTY CLERK" DEFINED. "County clerk" means the clerk of the district court. History: [34-112, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 12, p. 351.]
34-113. "CANDIDATE" DEFINED. "Candidate" means and includes every person for whom it is contemplated or desired that votes be cast at any political convention, primary, general or special election, and who either tacitly or expressly consents to be so considered, except candidates for president and vice-president of the United States. History: [34-113, added 1970, ch. […]
34-114. "TALLY BOOK" OR "TALLY LIST" DEFINED. "Tally book" or "tally list" means the forms in which the votes cast for any candidate or special question are counted and totaled at the polling precinct. History: [34-114, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 14, p. 351.]
34-115. REFERENCES TO MALE INCLUDE FEMALE AND MASCULINE INCLUDES FEMININE. All references to the male elector includes [include] the female elector and the masculine pronoun includes the feminine. History: [34-115, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 15, p. 351.]
34-116. CALENDAR DAYS USED IN COMPUTATION OF TIME. Calendar days shall be used in all computations of time made under the provisions of this act. In computing time for any act to be done before any election, the first day shall be included and the last, or election day, shall be excluded. Sundays, Saturdays and […]
34-117. "JUDICIAL NOMINATING ELECTION" DEFINED. "Judicial nominating election" means an election held for the purpose of selecting justices of the supreme court and judges of the district court as are by law to be selected at such election. This election shall be held on the date of the statewide primary election. History: [I.C., sec. 34-117, […]