34-1401. ELECTION ADMINISTRATION. (1) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the county clerk shall administer all elections on behalf of any political subdivision, subject to the provisions of this chapter, including all special district elections and elections of special questions submitted to the electors as provided in this chapter. Water districts governed by chapter 6, […]
34-1402. REGISTRATION. All electors must register with the county clerk before being able to vote in any primary, general, special or any other election conducted in this state. The county clerk shall determine, for each registered elector, the elections for which he is eligible to vote by a determination of the applicable code areas. The […]
34-1403. CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS. All elections conducted in this state on behalf of each political subdivision within the county shall be conducted in a uniform manner with regard to the qualifications of electors and shall be conducted on the dates as provided by law. In the event that a statute governing a political subdivision provides […]
34-1404. DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY. (1) Candidates for election in any political subdivision shall be nominated by nominating petitions, each of which shall bear the name of the nominee, the office for which the nomination is made, the term for which nomination is made, the signature of not less than five (5) electors of the candidate’s […]
34-1405. NOTICE OF ELECTION FILING DEADLINE. (1) Not more than fourteen (14) nor less than seven (7) days preceding the candidate filing deadline for an election, the county clerk shall cause to be published a notice of the forthcoming candidate filing deadline for all taxing districts. The notice shall include not less than the name […]
34-1405A. WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDACY. A candidate for nomination or candidate for election to an office may withdraw from the election by filing a notarized statement of withdrawal with the officer with whom his declaration of candidacy was filed. The statement must contain all information necessary to identify the candidate and the office sought and the […]
34-1406. NOTICE OF ELECTION. The county clerk shall give notice for each political subdivision for any election by publishing such notice in the official newspaper of the county. The notice shall state the date of the election, the polling places, and the hours during which the polls shall be open for the purpose of voting. […]
34-1407. WRITE-IN CANDIDATES. (1) No write-in candidate for any nonpartisan elective office shall be counted unless a declaration of intent has been filed indicating that the person desires the office and is legally qualified to assume the duties of the office. The declaration of intent shall be filed with the clerk of the political subdivision […]
34-1408. ABSENTEE BALLOTS. Any registered elector may vote at any election by absentee ballot as provided in chapter 10, title 34, Idaho Code. In the event of a written application to the county clerk for an absentee ballot, the application shall be deemed to be an application for all ballots to be voted in the […]
34-1409. CONDUCT OF ELECTION ON ELECTION DAY. At all elections conducted by any political subdivision, the polls shall be opened at 8:00 a.m. and remain open until all registered electors of that precinct have appeared and voted or until 8:00 p.m. of the same day, whichever comes first. However, the election official may, at his […]
34-1410. CANVASSING OF ELECTION RESULTS. The board of county commissioners shall conduct the canvass of the election results within ten (10) days after the election, in the manner provided in chapter 12, title 34, Idaho Code. The county clerk shall certify the election results to the clerk of each political subdivision for which an election […]
34-1411. PAYMENT OF ELECTION EXPENSES BY COUNTY. (1) On and after January 1, 2011, no county shall charge any taxing district, as defined in section 63-201, Idaho Code, for expenses associated with conducting any election on behalf of any taxing district, with the exception of expenses associated with conducting municipal runoff elections, which shall be […]
34-1412. TERMS OF OFFICE GOING BEYOND NEXT ELECTION DATE. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, whenever a member of the governing board of a taxing district has been elected to a term of office that goes beyond the next election date as provided by statute, such member of the governing board shall […]
34-1413. PROCEDURES FOR CERTAIN POLITICAL SUBDIVISION ELECTIONS TO MODIFY VOTING PROCEDURES. Any county that wishes to modify voting procedures for a political subdivision election shall submit an election plan to the secretary of state for approval for the modified voting procedures to be effective at least forty (40) calendar days prior to an election. The […]
34-1414. ELECTION BY ZONES — EXCEPTION FOR CERTAIN POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the governing body of any political subdivision that contains no more than one hundred forty (140) registered voters at the last general election may apply to the appropriate board of county commissioners for a determination that […]
34-1415. ELECTION ZONES, DISTRICTS, AND SUBDISTRICTS. Any city or special district subject to the provisions of this chapter whose governing body members are elected by separate zones, districts, or subdistricts shall notify the county clerk of any approved changes in the boundaries of such zones, districts, or subdistricts within thirty (30) days after the approval […]