34-2301. APPLICATION FOR RECOUNT OF BALLOTS. (1) Any candidate for federal, state, county or municipal office desiring a recount of the ballots cast in any nominating or general election or person supporting or opposing a state, county or city measure, may apply to the attorney general therefor, within twenty (20) days of the canvass of […]
34-2302. PRECINCTS SPECIFIED FOR RECOUNT — REMITTANCE. In his application he shall state the precinct or precincts in which he desires recount to be made and shall remit to the attorney general or county clerk, pursuant to section 34-2301, Idaho Code, together with his application the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) for each such […]
34-2303. BALLOTS ORDERED IMPOUNDED BY ATTORNEY GENERAL. Upon receiving the application for recount together with the remittance required by section 34-2302, Idaho Code, the attorney general or county clerk, pursuant to section 34-2301, Idaho Code, shall cause all ballot boxes used in such election in the precinct or precincts in which recount is to be […]
34-2304. ORDER FOR RECOUNT — PROCEDURE — NOTICE. The attorney general or county clerk shall then issue an order for recount. The order shall name the prior election judges and clerks of the precinct to act in the same capacity and receive the same compensation as they did on election day. The order shall provide […]
34-2305. MANNER OF RECOUNTING. At the time and place fixed for recounting the ballots cast in any precinct all ballots shall be recounted in plain view of the candidates or their representatives. The recount shall commence at the time and place so ordered, and shall continue until the recount is finished and the results tabulated. […]
34-2306. DIFFERENCE REVEALED BY RECOUNT — CANDIDATE RELIEVED OF COSTS. If the results of the recount indicate a difference, which if projected across all the precincts of the office in question would change the result of the election in favor of the candidate requesting the recount or change in the measure being recounted, then the […]
34-2307. WHEN GENERAL RECOUNT ORDERED. If the candidate or person who requested the recount is relieved of the costs of the recount as described in section 34-2306, Idaho Code, the attorney general, or the county prosecuting attorney for district offices, shall require a recount to be made in all the remaining precincts of the office […]
34-2308. CANDIDATE DISAGREEING WITH RECOUNT RESULTS — APPEAL. (1) Any candidate or person may appeal the results of a recount or the determination that a recount is not necessary when: (a) Any candidate for the office or the person on either side of a measure for which a recount has been requested disagrees with the […]
34-2309. FREE RECOUNT. A losing candidate for nomination, or election or person supporting or opposing a ballot measure, may request a recount of the votes cast for the nomination or election to that office or passage or failure of a measure if the difference between the vote cast for that candidate and for the winning […]
34-2310. "COSTS" DEFINED. As used in this chapter, costs of recount shall include the following: (1) Travel costs of the office of the attorney general including meals and lodging. (2) Normal hourly rate for election judges and clerks who are not employees of the county. (3) Mileage for election judges who are not employees of […]
34-2313. RECOUNT PROCEDURES FOR AUTOMATED TABULATION SYSTEMS. (1) To ensure the accuracy of automated vote tabulation systems, the county clerk shall follow the recount procedures provided in this section. (2) The votes from a random selection of ballots shall be tallied by hand and the votes from the same ballots shall be tabulated by an […]