34-2401. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: (1) "Ballot" means any material used or the voting surface of a direct recording electronic system on which votes are cast for offices, candidates and measures. (2) "Ballot card" means the tabulating card or cards of any size upon which the voter records his vote. (3) "Ballot label" […]
34-2402. AUTHORITY TO USE. It is the policy of this state that at all elections, including bond issue elections, that ballots or votes may be cast, registered, recorded and counted by means of voting machines or vote tally systems as provided in this chapter. History: [I.C., sec. 34-2402, as added by 1974, ch. 3, sec. […]
34-2403. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAWS. All election laws, including, but not limited to, bond election laws, city charters or ordinances, not inconsistent with this chapter, shall apply to all elections in election precincts where voting machines or vote tally systems are used. No provision of law, city charter or ordinance which in any way conflicts […]
34-2404. TAMPERING WITH MACHINES PROHIBITED. (1) No person shall: (a) Tamper with or injure or attempt to injure any voting machine or vote tally system to be used or being used in an election. (b) Tamper with any voting machine or vote tally system that has been used in an election. (c) Prevent or attempt […]
34-2405. AUTHORITY FOR PROCUREMENT OF MACHINES. (1) After consultation with the county clerk as chief elections officer of his county, the governing body at any regular meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose, may rent, purchase or otherwise procure, and provide for the use of, in all or a portion of the election […]
34-2406. JOINT PURCHASE AND USE OF MACHINES AUTHORIZED. (1) In procuring the necessary voting machines or vote tally systems to be used, a governing body of any county, city, district or other political subdivision in the county, may by agreement entered into by the board of county commissioners and the governing bodies of cities, districts […]
34-2407. PURCHASE OF MACHINES — MANNER OF PAYMENT. (1) The governing body may, on the adoption and purchase of voting machines or vote tally systems, provide for their payment in the method it determines to be for the best interest of the county, city, district or other political subdivision. The governing body may make contracts […]
34-2408. PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIRED FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS. The governing body of any county shall, prior to authorizing the issuance of bonds obtain the approval in writing of the secretary of state as to the type and number of machines or vote tally systems to be purchased and the price to be paid therefor. History: […]
34-2409. EXAMINATION OF MACHINES BY SECRETARY OF STATE PRIOR TO ADOPTION. (1) The secretary of state shall publicly examine all makes of voting machines or vote tally systems submitted to him and determine whether the machines or vote tally systems comply with the requirements of this chapter, and can safely be used by voters at […]
34-2410. SPECIFICATIONS FOR VOTING MACHINES OR VOTE TALLY SYSTEMS. (1) No voting machine or vote tally system shall be approved by the secretary of state unless it is constructed so that it: (a) Secures to the voter secrecy in the act of voting. (b) Provides facilities for voting for the candidates of as many political […]
34-2411. DUTIES OF CLERKS OF ELECTION BOARDS. (1) The secretary of state shall issue an administrative order outlining the duties of each of the clerks on the election board. He shall devise and prescribe for use by each local election officer the contents, form, character and kinds of ballots, ballot labels, ballot cards, formats, records, […]
34-2412. COMPOSITION OF PRECINCT ELECTION BOARDS. (1) The election board of each election precinct in which a voting machine or vote tally system is used shall consist of an election judge and one (1) or more clerks. Each election board shall contain personnel representing all existing political parties if a list of applicants has been […]
34-2413. PREPARATION OF MACHINES FOR USE — INSTRUCTIONS. (1) Before each election at which voting machines or vote tally systems are to be used, the county clerk of a county, in which voting machines or vote tally systems are to be used, shall cause them to be properly prepared and shall cause the election board […]
34-2414. PRINTED MATTER AND SUPPLIES. (1) The election officer charged with the duty of providing ballots shall provide all necessary instruction, forms and supplies required for the proper use of the voting machines or vote tally systems. (2) Within a proper and reasonable time before the first election at which voting machines or vote tally […]
34-2415. PREPARATION OF POLLING PLACE FOR ELECTION. (1) The election board of each election precinct in which a voting machine is to be used shall meet at the polling place for the election precinct at least thirty (30) minutes before the time set for opening the polls. Before preparing the machine for voting, the election […]
34-2416. PROCEDURE FOR PREPARING MACHINES FOR AN ELECTION. (1) In preparing a voting machine for an election, the county clerk or the clerk of the city, district or other political subdivision, as the case may be, shall: (a) Arrange the machine and the ballot labels so that it shall in every particular case meet the […]
34-2417. NOTICE OF LOCATIONS OF VOTING MACHINES AND POLLING PLACES. Before preparing the voting machines or vote tally systems for any election, the county clerk shall mail to the chairman of the county or legislative district central committees of each political party who has notified such clerk that notice is desired, a written notice stating […]
34-2418. BALLOTS AND BALLOT LABELS. (1) The ballots and ballot labels required to be furnished for general or special elections shall be printed in black ink on clear white material of such size and arrangements as to suit the construction of the machine. The ballot labels for measures may contain a condensed statement of purpose […]
34-2419. ROTATION OF NAMES OF CANDIDATES. In each primary and general election when two (2) or more persons are candidates for nomination or election to the same office, the county clerk or the clerk of a city, district or other municipality in which voting machines or vote tally systems are used shall rotate the names […]
34-2420. EXAMINATIONS OF FACE OF MACHINE DURING ELECTION. The election board shall occasionally examine the face of the voting machine and the ballot labels to determine that the machine and the ballot labels have not been damaged or tampered with. History: [34-2420, added 1970, ch. 140, sec. 151, p. 351.]