34-301. ESTABLISHMENT OF ELECTION PRECINCTS BY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS — LISTS AND MAPS TO BE FURNISHED TO SECRETARY OF STATE. (1) The board of county commissioners in each county shall establish a convenient number of election precincts therein. The board of county commissioners may establish an absentee voting precinct for each legislative district within the county. […]
34-302. DESIGNATION OF PRECINCT POLLING PLACES. The board shall, by the fifth Friday before any election, designate a suitable polling place for each election precinct. Insofar as possible, the board shall designate the same polling place for the general election that it designated for the primary election. The physical arrangements of the polling place shall […]
34-303. APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION JUDGES BY COUNTY CLERK. (1) The county clerk shall appoint two (2) or more election judges, one (1) of whom shall be designated chief judge, and the number of clerks deemed necessary by him for each polling place. In the event a single polling place is designated for two (2) or […]
34-304. CHALLENGERS — WATCHERS. The county clerk shall, upon receipt of a written request, such request to be received no later than twelve (12) days prior to the day of election, direct that the election judges permit one (1) person authorized by each political party, if the election is a partisan election, to be at […]
34-305. COUNTY CLERK CHIEF COUNTY ELECTIONS OFFICER. The county clerk is the chief elections officer of his county and it is his responsibility to obtain and maintain uniformity in the application, operation and interpretation of the election laws. The county clerk shall comply with the lawful directives and instructions given him by the secretary of […]
34-306. PRECINCT BOUNDARY REQUIREMENTS. (1) Precinct boundaries shall follow visible, easily recognizable physical features on the ground including, but not limited to, streets, railroad tracks, roads, streams and lakes. The exception shall be when a precinct boundary coincides with a city, county, Indian reservation or school district boundary which does not follow a visible feature. […]
34-307. PRECINCT BOUNDARIES MAINTAINED. From January 15 in any year ending in 8 through September 15 in any year ending in 1, the board of county commissioners shall make no changes in precinct boundaries, except that a single precinct may be divided into two (2) or more new precincts wholly contained within the original precinct. […]
34-308. MAIL BALLOT PRECINCT. (1) A precinct within the county that contains no more than one hundred forty (140) registered electors at the last general election may be designated by the board of county commissioners as a mail ballot precinct no later than April 1 in an even-numbered year. Such a designation shall apply thereafter […]